Help to migrate data to ClickHouse, create database and table auto.
Support excel, mysql, sqlserver now
- Visual Studio 2019(16.8 or later)
- .NET 5.0 or later
--src : data source: MySql, SqlServer, Excel etc
--src-host : host of data source, for example:, **default value:**
--src-port : port of data source, for example: 3306
--src-user : user of data source
--src-password : password of data source
--src-database : database of data source
--src-table : table of data source
--host : Clickhouse host:, **default value:**
--port : Clickhouse port, for example: 9000, **default value: 9000**
--user : Clickhouse user
--password : Clickhouse password
--database : Clickhouse database, if this arg is null, will use --src-database as target database name
--table : Clickhouse table, if this arg is null, will use --src-table as target table name
--thread : how many thread use to insert data to ClickHouse, **default value: process count of your machine**
--batch : how many rows insert to ClickHouse one time, **default value: 10000**
--drop-table : whether drop the exits table in clickhouse before migrating, **default value: false**
--file : File path of Excel etc
--sheets : Which sheets will be migrated, columns are same in every sheet, used like: Sheet1,Sheet2,Sheet3
--start-row :
--lowercase : ignore the word case in clickhouse, **default value: true**
install .NET 5 follow:
on windows run below command in command prompt, and in terminal for linux
dotnet tool install -g ClickHouseMigrator
the migrate tool named chm, so run tool like below
> chm --src mysql --src-host localhost --src-port 3306 --src-user root --src-password 1qazZAQ! \ --src-database test --src-table user1000w --drop-table true
- 3.2 GHz 8-Core Intel Xeon W
- 32 G
- 1T SSD
CREATE TABLE test.user
ENGINE = MergeTree
FROM mysql('', 'test', 'user1000w', 'root', '1qazZAQ!')
Elapsed: 27.965 sec. Processed 18.68 million rows, 895.49 MB (667.94 thousand rows/s., 32.02 MB/s.)
Elapsed 63 sec. Processed 18627236 rows (295670 rows/s.)
SQL Server -> Adjust Decimal types using source precision & scale
Email: [email protected]