There seems to be some changes to payfort api which breaks the below method and forces to run the payments via client side. I am yet to find a fix, when I will i'll update the repo.
Basic useful feature list:
- Allows you to make Payfort Credit/Debit card Payment API
- PayAtHome method not yet supported
- If you have experience with SOAP Client on Node.JS then please contact me we can do payfort-PayAtHOme API for this module.
npm install payfort-node --save
And here's some code! 👍
// initialize the client
var payfort = require("payfort-node");
// create client
var client = payfort.create_client("development", {
access_code : "your_access_code",
merchant_identifier : "your_merchant_identifier",
passphrase : "your_passphrase"
purchase_url : "send this only to override default urls"
// default URLs
// Authorization/Purchase URLs
// Test Environment URL:
// Production Environment URL:
// purchase data to be sent to payfort
var purchaseData = {
"amount": data.amount,
"currency": data.currency,
"language": "ar",
"return_url": "",
"merchant_reference": data.order_id
//call payfort API
payfort.send_request(client, purchaseData, function(err, response){
//error stuff
//handle response
When you get the callback from payfort you can use the following code to validate the data sent by payfort.
// Callback will be a get request so below valiable 'get_request' will the decoded Query Parameters
var get_request = {
// decoded query params
var original_signature = get_request.signature;
delete response.signature;
var new_signature = payfort.create_signature("your_passphrase", get_request);
if(original_signature == new_signature){
// valid data
// invalid data