Templates for documenting ctf's or network based pentests.
The writeup-dataview-template.md is a living document.
As such it is update when new information/techniques are learned.
A secondary goal of this template is to focus on what to look for not first and how to look for second.
By focusing on what instead of how, we can check off low hanging fruit by thinking in terms of the OS flavor and not get overwhelmed with all the various commands or mindlessly running them.
For example, How do we enum users?
All users?
net user
net localgroup administrators
Users with login shells?
cat /etc/passwd | cut -d ':' -f 1,7 | grep "zsh\|sh\|bash"
cat /etc/passwd | awk -F ":" '{print $1 ":" $7}' | grep "zsh\|sh\|bash"
What we doing is looking for users.
How we look for users depends on the OS.
Create your working folders.
. .\New-Host.ps1; New-Host -HostName example -Verbose
- For a writeup to appear in the index you must move it into the finished folder.
- You cheat yourself when you look at a writeup before using all of the enumeration you know at a point in time, whether you use this template, your own, or someone else's.
With your working folders created you can create an obsidian vault at the root of this project and get to hacking!
Screenshots can be found on my blog