- python2.7
- python-setuptools python-support python-pip
- Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-support python-pip
- Fedora(RHEL)
sudo yum install python-setuptools python-support python-pip
sudo zypper install python-setuptools python-support python-pip
- Ubuntu
- python-requests(>=1.1)
sudo pip install requests
Host with Ubuntu OS recommended.
Run the command below to build from source code and get Debian package:
Host with Fedora OS recommended.
Run the command below to build from source code and get RPM package:
make -C packaging/
rpmbuild -tb packaging/testkit-lite_<version>.tar.gz --nodeps
Host with Ubuntu OS, we need to add a workaround to support the RPM build:
rpmbuild --define 'python_sitelib /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages' -tb packaging/testkit-lite_<version>.tar.gz --nodeps
Install testkit lite from source code:
sudo python setup.py install --record /var/log/testkit-lite.files
Install testkit lite from debian build:
sudo dpkg -i ../testkit-lite_<version>_all.deb
Uninstall testkit-lite installed with setup.py install
cat /var/log/testkit-lite.files | sudo xargs rm -rf
Uninstall testkit-lite installed with debian
sudo dpkg -r testkit-lite
You can run case on target:
- For web test cases:
testkit-lite -f device:"<somewhere>/<package_name>/tests.xml" -e 'WRTLauncher <package_name>'
- For native test cases:
testkit-lite -f device:"<somewhere>/<package_name>/tests.xml"
You can run case in single mode :
For web test cases:
testkit-lite -f "<somewhere>/<package_name>/tests.xml" -e 'WRTLauncher <package_name>' --comm localhost
For native test cases:
testkit-lite -f "<somewhere>/<package_name>/tests.xml" --comm localhost
You can select on parser engine to simply conduct one or more
on target:testkit-lite -f device:"<somewhere>/<package_name1>/tests.xml ... <somewhere>/<package_namen>/tests.xml" -e 'WRTLauncher <package_name1> ... <package_namen>'
If you want to execute both auto and manual tests:
testkit-lite -f device:"<somewhere>/<package_name>/tests.xml"
If you just want to execute manual tests:
testkit-lite -f device:"<somewhere>/<package_name>/tests.xml" -M
If you just want to execute auto tests:
testkit-lite -f device:"<somewhere>/<package_name>/tests.xml" -A
If you want to save test result to another file, by default it'll be under
:testkit-lite -f device:"<somewhere>/<package_name>/tests.xml" -o <somewhere>/xxx.xml
If you want to choose some filters:
testkit-lite -f device:"<somewhere>/<package_name>/tests.xml" --status level1 --type type1 ...
If you want to run test according capability:
testkit-lite -f device:"<somewhere>/<package_name>/tests.xml" --capability capability.xml
At last, you can freely compose the above parameters together:
testkit-lite -f <somewhere1>/tests.xml <somewhere2>/tests.xml -A --priority P1 --type type1 ...
Test report will be generated as tests.result.xml.The result will be under /opt/testkit/lite/latest
after execution, you can also check the history results in /opt/testkit/lite/yyyy-mm-dd-HH:MM:SS.NNNNNN
Test report can be viewed in HTML format, so the data in the xml result file looks more human friendly.
Please follow the following steps to view test report:
- Copy files:
application.js back_top.png jquery.min.js testresult.xsl tests.css
under directory/opt/testkit/lite/xsd/
- Put the files from step 1) under the same directory as the xml result file
- Open xml result file with a web browser(IE, Chrome or Firefox)