A curated list of amazingly awesome CakePHP plugins, resources and shiny things.
Also see plugins.cakephp.org/packages/categories as a categorized list. You may also want to check out the PHP list at awesome-php as well as the generic awesome-awesomeness list.
This list is specifically for CakePHP2.x (for CakePHP3.x please see the cake3 branch). It is a recommendation for good plugins and solutions for this major CakePHP version.
The main advantage of this list compared to plugins.cakephp.org is, that here it can also be a subpart of a plugin - instead of only the whole plugin/repo itself. The grouping might also be more granular. Focus is on the specific task.
- Awesome CakePHP
- Skeleton
- Environment
- Debugging
- Templating
- Dependency Injection
- Imagery
- Testing
- Security
- Code Analysis
- Navigation
- Asset Management
- Geolocation
- Logging
- E-commerce
- ORM and Datamapping
- Queue
- Search
- Authentication and Authorization
- Markup
- Filtering and Validation
- REST and API
- Caching
- Notifications
- I18n
- Third Party APIs
- Migration
- Miscellaneous
- Libs
- Software
- Web Applications
- Resources
- Conferences
- Contributing
Plugins and repositories around app skeletons
- App template - An empty CakePHP project for use with composer.
- Bake template "setup" - An example template on how customization of bake templates is possible.
- Crud plugin - CakePHP Application development on steroids - rapid prototyping / scaffolding & production ready code.
Plugins for enviroment
- Enviroments plugin - Plugin to handle enviroments.
- Setup plugin - Plugin to handle very basic enviroments.
Plugins for debugging
- DebugKit plugin - The de-facto standard for debugging.
- Airbrake plugin - Integrate Airbrake for CakePHP exceptions and errors
- Setup plugin - A lightweight setup plugin containing setup tabs at the bottom.
- GraphVizModels plugin - Display your model relations graphically.
- ClearCache plugin - For easily clearing the app cache(s).
Plugins for templating and lexing.
- BoostCake plugin - A Twitter Bootstrap plugin.
- TwigView plugin - A plugin to use the Twig Templating Language for views.
- CsvView plugin - A view to easily generate CSV.
- Tools:RssView - Containing RssView to easily generate (complex) RSS.
- Mustache plugin - A Mustache plugin.
- CTK plugin - Allows views to be defined as a class.
- CakeFactory plugin - A factory for the Cake Toolkit (CTK), which provides configurable objects.
- CML plugin - Provides further abstraction of the View layer by replacing the procedural PHP code with an XML based markup.
- Wysiwyg plugin - Support for various wysiwyg editors.
Plugins for sending and parsing email.
- EmailQueue plugin - An email queue solution.
- Postmark plugin - Makes email delivery using Postmark.
- Mailchimp plugin - The Mailchimp and Mandrill plugin.
Plugins for file manipulation.
- FileStorage plugin - Abstract file storage and upload plugin.
Plugins that implement the dependency injection design pattern.
- CakeDependency plugin - Provides a dependency injection container and service registry/locator.
Plugins for manipulating images.
- Imagine plugin - A plugin around Imagine.
Plugins for testing codebases and generating test data.
- CakePHP CodeSniffer rules - The official CakePHP CS rules.
- CodeSniffer plugin - A plugin to auto-find and auto-fix almost all CS errors.
- PHPUnit plugin - An easy way to install PHPUnit if you are not using composer.
Plugins for generating secure random numbers, encrypting data and scanning for vulnerabilities.
- ?
Plugins for analysing, parsing and manipulation codebases.
- NewRelic plugin - Using New Relic for analysis and monitoring.
Tools for building navigation structures.
- MenuBuilder plugin - A menu plugin.
Tools for managing, compressing and minifying website assets.
- AssetCompress plugin - A complete asset manager for CakePHP.
Plugins for geocoding addresses and working with latitudes and longitudes.
- Tools plugin - Containing Geocoder behavior and GoogleMapsV3 helper.
- Geocoder plugin - A lightweight geocoding plugin.
Plugins for generating and working with log files.
- DatabaseLog plugin
- Monolog plugin - Use the comprehensive logger capabilities of Monolog.
- AuditLog plugin - Records changes made to an object during CRUD operations.
- Tools:WhoDidIt - Containing WhoDidIt behavior to record changes made to an object during CRUD operations.
Plugins and applications for taking payments and building online e-commerce stores.
- Cart plugin - A shopping cart plugin.
- Payments plugin - Generic Payment Interface.
- Stripe - A Stripe component.
- Paypal plugin - To interact with Paypal's "classic" and new REST APIs.
Plugins and software for working with PDF files.
- CakePdf plugin - A plugin around PDF generation.
Plugins that implement object-relational mapping or datamapping techniques.
- Datasources plugin - Lots of different datasources.
Plugins for working with "NoSQL" backends.
- MongoQB plugin - MongoDB database driver.
- NoSql - A low-lever interface to interact with nosql datasource.
Plugins for working with event and task queues.
- Queue plugin - A minimal dependency-free CakePHP only plugin around Queue.
- CakeResque plugin - A plugin for Resque, a library for creating background jobs
Plugins and software for indexing and performing search queries on data.
- SimpleScope - For scoping finds.
- Tools:NamedScope - Containing NamedScope behavior for DRY find conditions.
- Tags plugin - Tagging records the easy way.
- Search plugin - De-facto search form standard built on RPG pattern.
- Elastic - Connecting models to Elastic Search types.
- OpenSearch plugin - For creating installable search plugins for IE, Firefox and Chrome.
Plugins and libraries for implementing authentication and authorization.
- Authenticate plugin - Authentication classes for AuthComponent.
- Authorize plugin - Authorize classes for AuthComponent.
- Tools:TinyAuth - Containing TinyAuth for a very lightweight (single/multi) role based access.
- GoogleAuthenticate plugin - Containing Google 2 step authenticate class for AuthComponent.
- Tools:Passwordable - Containing Passwordable behavior for a DRY approach von modern password hashing.
- Sanction plugin - Centralize all of those permissions in a single file.
- OpAuth - Opauth provides a standardized method for PHP applications to interface with authentication providers.
Plugins for working with markup.
- MarkupParsers plugin - A collection of parsers.
- Decoda plugin - A lightweight bbcode parser plugin.
- Markdown plugin - A Markdown parser plugin.
- Geshi plugin - For adding GeSHI syntax highlighting.
Plugins for filtering and validating data.
- HtmlPurifier plugin - A standards compliant HTML filter.
- Tidy plugin - Validate and generate tided HTML output.
Plugins and web tools for developing REST-ful APIs.
- Rest plugin - a painless REST server Plugin for CakePHP.
Plugins for caching data.
- AutoCache plugin - A plugin that makes query caching easy.
- Cacher plugin - A plugin that caches query results.
- UrlCache plugin - Automatically cache the results of calls to Router.
Plugins for working with notification software.
- Notification plugin - A plugin that provides an notification system.
Plugins for I18n (Internationalization) and L10n (Localization)
- Localized plugin - Localized validation and ready-to-use translation PO files.
- Transifex plugin - Imports locales via Transifex API.
Plugins around social features
- Bookmark plugin - Creates links to popular bookmarking web-applications.
- Favorite plugin - Allows users to favor records.
- Ratings plugin - Allows users to rate records.
- Feedback plugin - Providing feedback.
- Like plugin - Provides a feature similar to Facebook "Like".
- Comments plugin - Allows users to comment records.
- Facebook plugin - Facebook plugin.
Search Engine Optimization
- Sitemap plugin - Generates HTML and XML sitemaps for your CakePHP application.
- Seo plugin - SEO plugin.
- Tools:Slugged - Containing Slugged behavior to auto-generate URL-compatible slugs from titles.
- Slugger plugin - Automatically slugs URLs.
Plugins for accessing third party APIs.
- AmazonSdk plugin - A plugin around PHP AWS SDK library.
- Twitter plugin - A library to interface with Twitter and its OAuth workflow.
Plugins and resources around migrationa and upgrading
- Migrations plugin - (DB) Migration plugin.
- Upgrade/Migration Guide - Official migration guide.
- Upgrade plugin - The most extensive 1.x=>2.x and partly =>3.x upgrade shells.
Misc plugins and libraries
- Jsonrpc plugin - Provides server and client implementations of JSON-RPC.
- Dotcake - Provides CakePHP project info for editor's cakephp plugins.
- Travis - Easy travis setup for CakePHP plugins.
- AJAX - AJAX and CakePHP.
- Users plugin - For allowing users to register and login manage their profile.
- MobileDetect plugin - Identifying mobile devices using the Mobile_Detect project.
- Tools plugin - Containing lots of useful libs, helpers, behaviors, components, shells, ...
Useful libraries or tools that don't fit in the categories above.
- Composer/Packagist - A package and dependency manager.
- Composer Installers - A multi framework Composer library installer.
- Travis CI - A continuous integration platform - de-facto standard for testing (GitHub) repos.
- Jenkins - The free alternative for private (GitHub) repos.
- Graphviz - A Graphviz library.
- Carbon - A simple DateTime API extension - used in CakePHP3.x anyway.
- Aura.Intl - A powerful I18n library - - used in CakePHP3.x anyway.
- Rocketeer - Deployment
- Capcake - Deploy CakePHP applications using Capistrano
Software for creating a development environment.
Software and tools for creating a sandboxed development environment.
- Vagrant - A portable development environment utility.
- Puppet - A server automation framework and application.
- Croogo - Open source content management system.
- QuickApps-CMS - Open source content management system.
- Infititas CMS - Open source content management framework.
Based on CakePHP2.x.
Web-based (demo) applications and tools.
- CakePHP Sandbox - A sandbox CakePHP application.
- CakeFest - Demo application around the annual CakePHP Conference "CakeFest".
Based on CakePHP2.x.
Various resources, such as books, websites and articles, for improving your CakePHP development skills and knowledge.
Where to get help
- Google Group - This is for generic questions and alike.
- stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/cakephp - This is for specific questions, ideally along with some example code.
- IRC Channel - Live chat/discussion with other devs and core devs.
Useful and current CakePHP-related websites and blogs.
- mark-story.com - CakePHP lead dev blog.
- josediazgonzalez.com - A mainly CakePHP related core dev blog.
- dereuromark.de - An extensive CakePHP core dev blog.
- florian-kraemer.net - A CakePHP related core dev blog.
- jedistirfry.co.uk - A CakePHP related dev blog.
- CakeDC - Articles around CakePHP.
Fantastic CakePHP-related (e)books.
- Rapid Application Development with CakePHP 2 - CakePHP 2.x book by CakePHP Core Developer @josegonzalez
- Instant Starter - CakePHP2.x book (not for total PHP beginners).
Fantastic CakePHP-related videos.
- CakePHP - Channel about CakePHP videos.
Documentation and CakePHP-releated reading materials.
- Cookbook(!) - The official documentation.
- Cheat Sheet - Lot of Code Snippets for the CakePHP Framework.
Reading materials related to the CakePHP internals and decisions.
- Core Google Group - Discussions around the CakePHP core.
- Top 10 (and more) core contributors - Give 'em a hand.
International conference
- cakefest.org - Annual CakePHP Conference.
Regional meet-ups
- CakePHP-NL - MeetUps in Netherlands.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.