node版本: v10.15.3
包下载:npm install
node src/app.js
4000: 'Undefined error information', //未定义的错误信息
4001: 'Params error', //参数错误
4002: 'Request type error', //请求执行类型错误
4003: 'Unsupported data type', //不支持的数据类型
4004: 'Invalid object id', //无效的对象id
4005: 'Invalid data format', //无效的数据格式
4006: 'Invalid request route', //无效的路由请求
4007: 'The current request without the token', //当前请求没有令牌
4008: 'Invalid Token', //无效的令牌
4009: 'Login is invalid, please log in again',//登录失效,请重新登录
4010: 'The mailbox has been registered',//邮箱已被注册
4011: 'Username already exists',//用户名已存在
4012: 'Database operation exception',//数据库操作异常,
4013: 'Mail sent abnormally',//发送邮件部分出现异常
4014: 'The mailbox is illegal',//邮箱不合法
4015: 'Voting has started or ended and can no longer operate',//投票已开始或已结束,不能再进行操作
4016: 'Voting has not started and cannot be operated',//投票未开始,不能进行操作
4017: 'Voting is over started and cannot be operated',//投票已结束,不能进行操作
4018: 'Mailbox is not activated',//邮箱未激活
4019: "Can't vote again",//不能重复投票
4020: 'Login failed, wrong email name or password',//登录失败,邮箱或密码错误,
4021: 'Please re-select, the number of votes is two or more',//请重新选择,票数两人及以上
4022: 'Please re-select, the number of votes cannot exceed five',// 票数不能少于2或大于5
4023: 'The number of votes cannot exceed half of the number of candidates',//票数不能超过候选人数一半
4024: 'Voting is busy, please try again later',//投票繁忙,请稍后重试