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zhangrengang committed Oct 10, 2024
1 parent 47bd581 commit 7a79e14
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Showing 4 changed files with 53 additions and 31 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion evolution_example
Submodule evolution_example updated 1 files
+15 −11
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion soi/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ def plot_blocks(blocks, outplots, ks=None, max_ks=None, ks_hist=False, ks_cmap=N
ax = plt.subplot2grid((6,5),(5,0), colspan=3)
ax = plt.subplot2grid((6,5),(5,0), colspan=5)
bins = int((min(max_ks, max(allKs)) - max(0, min(allKs)))/ks_step)
bins = int(max_ks/ks_step) #int((min(max_ks, max(allKs)) - max(0, min(allKs)))/ks_step)
_xlabel = tlabel #'OrthoIndex' if of_color else 'Ks'
#print min(allKs), max(allKs)
# ylabel = ' of syntenic gene pairs' if homology else ' of syntenic gene pairs'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -485,7 +485,10 @@ def _histgram(ax, allKs, cmap=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, bins=100, normed=False
ylabel = 'Number' + ylabel
# print allKs
allKs += [0, xlim]
n,bins,patches = ax.hist(allKs, bins=bins, density=normed, facecolor='white', alpha=0)
n[0] -= 1
n[-1] -= 1
Xs, Ys = [], []
for i in range(len(bins)-1):
X = (bins[i] + bins[i+1])/2
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72 changes: 44 additions & 28 deletions soi/
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Expand Up @@ -239,14 +239,15 @@ def _parse(self):
nblock += 1
ngene += rc.N
if self.orthologs is not None:
pairs = {Pair(*x) for x in rc.pairs}
intersect = pairs & ortholog_pairs
ratio = 1.0*len(intersect) / len(pairs)
rc.syn_pairs = [Pair(*x) for x in rc.pairs]
syn_pairs = set(rc.syn_pairs)
intersect = syn_pairs & ortholog_pairs
ratio = 1.0*len(intersect) / len(rc.syn_pairs) #OI
rc.on = len(intersect) # syntenic orthologs
rc.oi = ratio
if self.homo_class is not None:
rc.intersect = intersect
rc.substract = pairs - ortholog_pairs
rc.substract = syn_pairs - ortholog_pairs
if self.orthologs is not None:
rc.ton = len(ortholog_pairs) # all syntenic orthologs
rc.ortholog_pairs = ortholog_pairs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -310,7 +311,8 @@ def _parse(self):
yield rc
def identify_orthologous_blocks(collinearities=None, orthologs=None, fout=sys.stdout,
gff=None, kaks=None, source=None, min_n=0, min_dist=None, #paralog=False, both=True
min_ratio=0.5, max_ratio=1, species=None, homo_class=None, out_stats=None, test_diff=False):
min_ratio=0.5, max_ratio=1, species=None, homo_class=None, out_stats=None, test_diff=False,
if species is not None:
species = parse_species(species)
if homo_class is not None:
Expand All @@ -319,56 +321,69 @@ def identify_orthologous_blocks(collinearities=None, orthologs=None,
out_stats = open(out_stats, 'w')
if test_diff:
d_ks = {}
pre_nb, pre_ng, post_nb, post_ng = 0, 0,0,0
post_no = 0
total_oi = 0
pre_nb, pre_ng, post_nb, post_ng = 0, 0,0,0 # b: blocks, g: gene pairs
post_nso = 0
total_oi, pre_total_oi = 0, 0
d_sp_count = OrderedDict()'filtering collinearity...')
rn, rd, ro = 0,0,0
removed_pairs = []
for rc in XCollinearity(collinearities, orthologs=orthologs,
gff=gff, kaks=kaks, source=source, sps=species, homo_class=homo_class):
pre_nb += 1
pre_ng += rc.N
sp_pair = rc.species
# if pre_nb % 10000 == 0:
#$'{} blocks processed'.format(pre_nb))
if sp_pair not in d_sp_count:
d_sp_count[sp_pair]= Count()
d_sp_count[sp_pair].pre_nb += 1
d_sp_count[sp_pair].pre_ng += rc.N
pre_total_oi += rc.oi * rc.N
remove = False
if rc.N < min_n:
rn += 1
if min_dist is not None and rc.is_tandem(min_dist):
remove = True
elif min_dist is not None and rc.is_tandem(min_dist):
rd += 1
if not (min_ratio < rc.oi <= max_ratio):
remove = True
elif not (min_ratio < rc.oi <= max_ratio):
ro += 1
remove = True
if remove:
removed_pairs += rc.syn_pairs
post_nb += 1
post_ng += rc.N
post_no += rc.on # syntenic orthologs
post_nb += 1 # syntenic blocks
post_ng += rc.N # syntenic genes
post_nso += rc.on # syntenic orthologs
total_oi += rc.oi * rc.N
d_sp_count[sp_pair].post_nb += 1
d_sp_count[sp_pair].post_ng += rc.N
d_sp_count[sp_pair].post_no += rc.on

d_sp_count[sp_pair].post_nso += rc.on
if not output_orthology:
if homo_class:
substract = pairs - ortholog_pairs
for pairs, cls in zip((rc.intersect, rc.substract), ('ortholog', 'non-ortholog')):
for pair in pairs:
line = list(pair) + [cls]
print('\t'.join(line), file=out_class)
removed_pairs = set(removed_pairs)
if output_orthology: # remove paralogs from pre-inferred orthologs
for pair in rc.ortholog_pairs - removed_pairs:
post_nao = len(rc.ortholog_pairs - removed_pairs)
for pair in rc.ortholog_pairs:
sp_pair = pair.species
if sp_pair not in d_sp_count:
d_sp_count[sp_pair].pre_no += 1'Synteny: Pre-filter: {} blocks, {} pairs; Post-filter: {} ({:.1%}) blocks, {} ({:.1%}) pairs.'.format(
pre_nb, pre_ng, post_nb, 1.0*post_nb/pre_nb, post_ng, 1.0*post_ng/pre_ng))'Orthology: Pre-filter: {} pairs; Post-filter: {} ({:.1%}) pairs.'.format(
rc.ton, post_no, 1.0*post_no/rc.ton))'Orthology: Pre-filter: {} pairs; Post-filter: {} ({:.1%}) syntenic pairs; {} pairs within removed blocks.'.format(
rc.ton, post_nso, 1.0*post_nso/rc.ton, rc.ton-post_nao))
if post_ng > 0:'Post-filter mean OrthoIndex: {:.2f}'.format(total_oi/post_ng))'OrthoIndex: Pre-filter: {:.3f}; Post-filter: {:.3f}; {:.3f} for removed blocks.'.format(
pre_total_oi/pre_ng, total_oi/post_ng, (pre_total_oi-total_oi)/(pre_ng-post_ng)))
if homo_class is not None:
if out_stats is None:
Expand All @@ -379,14 +394,14 @@ def identify_orthologous_blocks(collinearities=None, orthologs=None,
'Pre-filter number of syntenic gene pairs', 'Post-filter number of syntenic gene pairs',]
print('\t'.join(line), file=out_stats)
for sp_pair, self in d_sp_count.items():
line = [sp_pair[0], sp_pair[1], self.pre_no, self.post_no, self.pre_nb, self.post_nb, self.pre_ng, self.post_ng]
line = [sp_pair[0], sp_pair[1], self.pre_no, self.post_nso, self.pre_nb, self.post_nb, self.pre_ng, self.post_ng]
print('\t'.join(map(str, line)), file=out_stats)

class Count:
def __init__(self):
self.pre_nb, self.pre_ng, self.post_nb, self.post_ng = 0,0,0,0
self.pre_no, self.post_no = 0,0
self.pre_no, self.post_nso = 0,0
class Collinearity():
blocks = Collinearity(blockfile)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1096,6 +1111,7 @@ def split_pair(line, sep=None, parser=None):
class CommonPair(object):
def __init__(self, *pair):
self.pair = pair[:2]
# self.key = tuple(sorted(self.pair))
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.pair)
def __getitem__(self, index):
Expand All @@ -1106,7 +1122,7 @@ def __format__(self):
return str(self)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
def key(self):
return tuple(sorted(self.pair))
def __eq__(self, other):
Expand All @@ -1128,13 +1144,13 @@ class Pair(CommonPair): # gene pair
def __init__(self, *pair):
super(Pair, self).__init__(*pair)
self.gene1, self.gene2 = self.pair
def species1(self):
return self.gene1.split('|')[0]
def species2(self):
return self.gene2.split('|')[0]
def species(self):
return SpeciesPair(self.species1, self.species2)

Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion soi/
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Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,10 @@ def args_filter(parser):
parser.add_argument('-stat', default=None,
dest='out_stats', type=str,
help="Output stats by species pairs. [default=%(default)s]")

parser.add_argument('-oo', default=False,
dest='output_orthology', action='store_true',
help="Output retained orthology instead of synteny. [default=%(default)s]")

def func_filter(**kargs):
from .mcscan import identify_orthologous_blocks
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