- Each folder contains a ‘’data.hdf5‘’ containing:
(1)time ts
(2)Ground truth value of IMU frame in the gravity frame:acceleration gt_acc,position gt_p,linear velocity gt_v,attitude gt_q (in w,x,y,z form)
(3)Ground truth value of IMU frame in the IMU frame:angular velocity gt_gyr,
(4)IMU measurements:acceleration acc,angular velocity gyr
- gen_list.txt:contains all the name of data
- train.txtx:training data
- val.txt:validation data
- test:testing data
NOTE: The content in the existed train.txt, val.txt and test.txt are just examples. You can choose your own training, validation and testing data.
The neural network to reduce bias of the accelerator measurments
Execute De_bias_acc_main.py for training
cd De_bias_acc/src
python3 De_bias_acc_main.py \
--mode train \
--root_dir ../../dataset \
--train_list ../../dataset/train.txt \
--val_list ../../dataset/val.txt \
--out_dir ../train_outputs
- --root_dir ../../dataset \ # root directory of data
- --train_list ../../dataset/train.txt \ # the list of training data
- --val_list ../../dataset/val.txt \ # the list of validation data
- --out_dir ../train_outputs \ # output directory
Execute De_bias_acc_main.py for testing
cd De_bias_acc/src
python3 De_bias_acc_main.py \
--mode test \
--root_dir ../../dataset \
--test_list ../../dataset/test.txt \
--model_path ../train_outputs/checkpoints/checkpoint_*.pt \
--out_dir ../test_outputs
- --root_dir ../../dataset \ # root directory of data
- --test_list ../../dataset/test.txt \ # the list of testing data
- --model_path ../train_outputs/checkpoints/checkpoint_*.pt \ # saving path of de_acc_bias_net
- --out_dir test_outputs # output directory (there are the velocity figures obtained by acceleration integration using the true attitude in this directory)
The neural network to reduce bias of the gyroscope measurments
Execute the De_bias_gyr_main.py for training
cd De_bias_gyr/src
python3 De_bias_gyr_main.py \
--mode train \
--root_dir ../../dataset \
--train_list ../../dataset/train.txt \
--val_list ../../dataset/val.txt \
--out_dir ../train_outputs
- --root_dir ../../dataset \ # root directory of data
- --train_list ../../dataset/train.txt \ # the list of training data
- --val_list ../../dataset/val.txt \ # the list of validation data
- --out_dir ../train_outputs \ # output directory
First, using the De_bias_net to estimate the acceleration and angular velocity.
cd Rotation_ekf/src
python3 generate_net_acc_net_gyr.py \
--root_dir ../../dataset \
--network_acc_path ../../De_bias_acc/train_outputs/checkpoints/checkpoint_*.pt \
--network_gyr_path ../../De_bias_gyr/train_outputs/checkpoints/checkpoint_*.pt \
--test_list ../../dataset/gen_list.txt \
--out_dir ../output
- --root_dir ../../dataset \ # root directory of data
- --network_acc_path ../../De_bias_acc/train_outputs/checkpoints/checkpoint_*.pt # saving path of de_acc_bias_net
- --network_gyr_path ../../De_bias_acc/train_outputs/checkpoints/checkpoint_*.pt # saving path of de_gyr_bias_net
- --test_list ../../dataset/gen_list.txt # the list of all the data in the dataset
- --out_dir ../output # output directory
NOTE: The produced acceleration and angular velocity will be saved in directory “../output/net_acc” and “../output/net_gyr”
Second, obtain the attitude after gravity alignment update.
cd Rotation_ekf/src
python3 Rotation_stage.py \
--root_dir ../../dataset \
--network_acc_out_path ../output/net_acc/ \
--network_gyr_out_path ../output/net_gyr/ \
--test_list ../../dataset/test.txt \
--out_dir ../output
- --root_dir ../../dataset \ # root directory of data
- --network_acc_out_path ../output/net_acc/ \ # saving path of acceleration after using de_bias_net
- --network_gyr_out_path ../output/net_gyr/ # saving path of angular velocity after using de_bias_net
- --test_list ../../dataset/test.txt \ # the testing data
- --out_dir ../output # output directory
NOTE: There are some results in the output directory
- ekf_q: attitude estimated by rotation ekf
- euler: figures of the attitude estimation (euler_pred: the euler angle estimated by directly new angular velocity integration; euler_gt_euler: the ground truth euler angle; ekf_euler: euler angle estimated by rotation ekf)
- euler_pred_error: figures of the attitude estimation error (euler_pred_error: error of euler_pred; ekf_euler_error: error of ekf_euler)
The attitude estimated from rotation_ekf is used in validation and testing
# training x axis
cd V_P_net/src
python3 V_P_net_main.py \
--mode train \
--root_dir ../../dataset \
--train_list ../../dataset/train.txt \
--val_list ../../dataset/val.txt \
--out_dir ../train_outputs_x \
--train_axis x_axis
# training y axis
cd V_P_net/src
python3 V_P_net_main.py \
--mode train \
--root_dir ../../dataset \
--train_list ../../dataset/train.txt \
--val_list ../../dataset/val.txt \
--out_dir ../train_outputs_y \
--train_axis y_axis
# training z axis
cd V_P_net/src
python3 V_P_net_main.py \
--mode train \
--root_dir ../../dataset \
--train_list ../../dataset/train.txt \
--val_list ../../dataset/val.txt \
--out_dir ../train_outputs_z \
--train_axis z_axis
- --root_dir ../../dataset \ # root directory of data
- --train_list ../../dataset/train.txt \ # the list of training data
- --val_list ../../dataset/val.txt \ # the list of validation data
- --out_dir ../train_outputs_x # output directory
- --train_axis x_axis # the axis of velocity and position are trained
cd V_P_net/src
python3 V_P_net_main.py \
--mode test \
--root_dir ../../dataset \
--test_list ../../dataset/train.txt \
--out_dir ../test_outputs \
--x_model ../train_outputs_x/checkpoints/checkpoint_*.pt \
--y_model ../train_outputs_y/checkpoints/checkpoint_*.pt \
--z_model ../train_outputs_z/checkpoints/checkpoint_*.pt
- --root_dir ../../dataset \ # root directory of data
- --test_list ../../dataset/train.txt \ # the list of testing data
- --out_dir ../test_outputs # output directory
- --x_model ../train_outputs_x/checkpoints/checkpoint*.pt \ # the saving path of v_p_net about x axis
- --y_model ../train_outputs_y/checkpoints/checkpoint*.pt \ # the saving path of v_p_net about y axis
- --z_model ../train_outputs_z/checkpoints/checkpoint_*.pt \ # the saving path of v_p_net about z axis
NOTE: There are some results in the output directory
vp:the mean value of estimated linear velocity and position
vp_cov:the covariance value of estimated linear velocity and position
imu_p_cov_in_world_frame:figure of position covariance
imu_p_error_in_world_frame:figure of position estimation error
imu_p_in_world_frame:figure of position estimation
imu_v_cov_in_world_frame:figure of linear velocity covariance
imu_v_error_in_world_frame:figure of linear velocity estimation error
imu_v_in_world_frame:figure of velocity estimation estimation
cd Res_dynamic/src
python3 Res_dynamic_main.py \
--mode train \
--root_dir ../../dataset \
--train_list ../../dataset/train.txt \
--val_list ../../dataset/val.txt \
--out_dir ../train_outputs
- --root_dir ../../dataset \ # root directory of data
- --train_list ../../dataset/train.txt \ # the list of training data
- --val_list ../../dataset/val.txt \ # the list of validation data
- --out_dir train_outputs \ # output directory
cd Translation_ekf/src
python3 Translation_stage.py \
--root_dir ../../dataset \
--test_list ../../dataset/test.txt \
--out_dir ../output \
--network_dyn_path ../../Res_dynamic/train_outputs/checkpoints/checkpoint_*.pt \
--network_v_p_path ../../V_P_net/src/test_outputs/vp/ \
--network_acc_path ../../Rotation_ekf/output/net_acc/ \
--network_gyr_path ../../Rotation_ekf/output/net_gyr/ \
--network_q_path ../../Rotation_ekf/output/ekf_q/ \
- --root_dir ../../dataset \ # root directory of data
- --test_list ../../dataset/test.txt \ # the list of testing data
- --out_dir ../output \ # output directory
- --network_dyn_path ../../Res_dynamic/train_outputs/checkpoints/checkpoint_*.pt # the path of res_dynamics_net
- --network_v_p_path ../../V_P_net/src/test_outputs/vp/ # the path of the result of v_p_net
- --network_acc_path ../../Rotation_ekf/output/net_acc/ # the path of acceleration modified by de_bias net
- --network_gyr_path ../../Rotation_ekf/output/net_gyr/ # the path of angular velocity modified by de_bias net
- --network_q_path ../../Rotation_ekf/output/ekf_q/ # the path of attitude got from rotation ekf