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zhang-changwei edited this page Jan 6, 2022 · 3 revisions

This script is designed to slightly change the tag values generated by Mocha with only a few clicks. With the help of this script, you can achieve better tracking effect and fix the distortion of tracking path manually.

PS: the translation in the title of the script is a mathematical proper noun which means movement without rotations. It has no relation with the translation between languages. Translation in this script means the scaling of tag values.


A multi line tool.

The Translation subroutine will
Change the tag value of the first and last of the select lines with the value you set in the script UI,
And change the tag values of in between lines with interpolated values of the set values in UI,
Forming a linear/parabolic deviation.

The Smooth subroutine will
Keep the first and last of the select lines unchanged and change the assigned tag values of the lines in between, forming a single-peak shape deviation.


step1: type in your edit box, the head number means line index

1 {\pos(500,500)}example
2 {\pos(500,500)}example
3 {\pos(510,500)}example

step2: select these 3 lines and open the script UI
step3: check posx, set start: 100, end: 200
step4: click Translation button, run the script
and you will get

1 {\pos(600.000,500)}example
2 {\pos(650.000,500)}example
3 {\pos(710.000,500)}example

What happened above? 500+100=600, 500+150=650, 510+200=710


Setting checkbox
Check: Time mode, which means there is the same increment between any two adjacent frames.
Uncheck: Line mode, which means there is the same increment between any two adjacent lines.
If you apply the script to FBF lines, the two modes have the same effect.
Posx checkbox
Check: The tag the script are about to cope with.
Start (@float)
[Translation] the deviation value of tag in the first of the selected lines.
End (@float)
[Translation] the deviation value of tag in the last of the selected lines.
Deviation (@float)
[Smooth] the maximum deviation value of tag in the selected lines.
Accel (@float 0~inf)
Transverse (@float 0~inf)
Index (@int Z+)
[Translation/Smooth] If you have multiple assigned tag in one line, e.g. fscx, count the index of the one you are about to cope with, starting from 1. An example as follows.
{\fs1(#1)\bord1\t(\shad1\fs2(#2))} text block 1 {\fs9(#3)} text block 2
fscy <- fscx checkbox
Check: Use the argument (including start, end, etc.) of fscx for fscy tag.
multiply checkbox
Check: Use multiplication instead of addition for fscx and fscy tag.


  • If you set start and end to the same value, you can deviate you tag without a distortion.
  • multiple tags can be selected in the script UI simultaneously, which is different from the script Gradient.
  • a Mathematica interactive program has been created for your better understanding of how the arguments on the UI work. The cdf file is stored under information folder.


\t(\clip) command is not supported

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This wiki page is based on the Translation v3.2.1 version

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