Base code:
There's Notion Lecture Notes but, It's written in Korean. Anyway, Here's the link
- [Notion Lecture Notes]
Jetson Nano 4GB or 2GB + IMX219 160 CSI camera
- Jetpack 4.5.1
- Ubuntu 20.24
- ROS2 Galactic
- Opencv3.4.6 downgrade for darknet_ros
├── monicar_control => Control RC Car with Adafruit PCA9685
├── monicar_cv => Computer Vision Package with Opencv4,Handling Image data For IMX219 Camera
├── monicar_teleop => Publish cmd_vel from keyboard/gamepad
├── Images
Clone these Repo
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/src
monicar project code
$ git clone
$ git clone --recursive
$ darknet_ros_fp16/darknet_ros/
Usage: ./ target
target: select one among these
jetracer, jetbot, motorhat2wheel, motorhatSteer, nuriBldc, 298n2Wheel, pca9685Steer
if you select waveshare jetracer
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/monicar/script
$ ./ jetracer
Usage: ./ target
target: select one between these
csicam, usbcam
if you select usb caemra, run below command.
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/src/monicar/script
$ ./ usbcam
Usage: ./ target
target: select one between these
orin, nano
if you select orin nano, run below command.
$ cd ~/ros2_ws/src/monicar/script
$ ./ orin
Packages for Image Streaming
Check Camera Connection First!!!
Using Gstreamer for CSI camera
gst-launch-1.0 nvarguscamerasrc sensor_id=0 ! \
'video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),width=3280, height=2464, framerate=21/1, format=NV12' ! \
nvvidconv flip-method=0 ! 'video/x-raw,width=960, height=720' ! \
nvvidconv ! nvegltransform ! nveglglessink -e
: this value depends on Camera Slot in Jetson Nano.
Using ROS python
#if csi camera
$ ros2 launch monicar_cv
# if usb camera
$ ros2 launch monicar_cv
# terminal #2
$ ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view
Packages for controlling RC Car
with PCA9685
PWM driver.
You need to install Adafruit_PCA9685
python package first
There's four modes for controlling RC Car
- JoyStick Control
- Keyboard Control
- Blob, Yolo4 Control
- React to traffic signal
There's two modes for using joystick
Button mode- delete Button mode
Axes mode
Packages for OpenCV applications
- Find Blob with Certain color
Control RC Car with game controller
$ ros2 launch monicar_control
$ ros2 launch monicar_teleop
Control RC Car with keyboard
$ ros2 launch monicar_control
#jetson or PC
$ ros2 run monicar_teleop teleop_keyboard
Find the any color box of the Jetson Nano on the screen and change the direction of the wheel accordingly.
# Jetson
$ ros2 launch monicar_control
Debugging with rqt_image_view
# Jetson, but PC is better
ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view
Find the object of the Jetson Nano on the screen and change the direction of the wheel accordingly.
#terminal #1
# object detect using Yolo_v4
$ ros2 launch darknet_ros
#terminal #2
# camera publish, object x/y -> car move
$ ros2 launch monicar_control
Train traffic signal, then Jetson nano will react to the traffic signal
#terminal #1
# object detect using Yolo_v4
$ ros2 launch darknet_ros
#terminal #2
# camera publish, object -> start, stop, turn left, turn left
$ ros2 launch monicar_control