Releases: zeromicro/cds
ClickHouse Data Synchromesh
Conveniently synchronize data from OLTP databases to OLAP ClickHouse in real time
- Create data synchronization tasks, configure data sources, and view synchronization task status in web UI.
- Support mysql and mongoDB data source
- Automatically migrate full data and sync incremental data to ClickHouse
- Support ClickHouse cluster mode (multi-shard and replica)
- The data synchronization components of clickhouse are written in go language
- The tube package enable Kafka single consumer to process messages in parallel and automatically process offset commit points
- New fields in mongoDB documents will be automatically added as ClickHouse new column
- Automatically generate ClickHouse schema according to data source schema
update go pkg
Merge pull request #87 from org0000h/master update go zero