A basic competency test for a drag and drop interaction, suitable for both desktop and mobile devices.
- Download from GitHub
- Days of week should be randomised on page load
- If days randomised show in the correct order re-randomise
- User should be able to drag and drop / re-order items into a new order
- On press of submit show modal pop-up
- Depending on user submission, make modal pop-up title display "Correct!" or "Not Quite!"
- If the order is correct, hide the "Try Again" button
- If the order is incorrect, allow the user to see the Try again button, upon press, hide modal pop-up and re-randomise items
- Must work on Touch devices as well as modern web browsers
- Apply a little colour and theme to the template to give it some character
Please send a downloadable link to your files (please do not email zip files), along with documentation on any issues you had to overcome, tasks which were not achievable and why, and how long the overall task took you to complete.