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This repository provides a react-native wrapper around the Zender Player. The react-native packages has several native dependencies. As these dependencies are not publicly available, they need to be manually added/installed.

Current react native version is 2.0.2

  • ios dependencies: Zender 2.0.0, ZenderPhenix 2.0.0
  • android dependencies: Zender 2.0.5, ZenderPhenix 2.0.5

Find your configuration in the Zender Admin

  • Logging to the admin
  • Select a specific stream
  • Get the information (the I icon)
  • Read the targetId and channelId

Zender TargetId and ChannelId


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { ZenderPlayerView } from 'react-native-zender';

// The settings will be communicated to you after signing the contract
const zenderTargetId  = "ttttt-ttttt-ttttt-tttt-ttttt"
const zenderChannelId = "ccccc-ccccc-ccccc-cccc-ccccc"

// Example Device Login provider
// See authentication documentation for other providers such as Facebook,Google,JsonToken
const zenderAuthentication = {
  provider: "device" ,
  payload: {
    "token": "something-unique-like-the-uuid-of-the-phone",
    "name": "patrick",
    "avatar": ""

const zenderConfig = {
  debugEnabled: false,
  // iOS: you need to listen for the deviceToken and pass it here
  // Android:
  deviceToken: "<deviceToken used for push notification without spaces>"

type Props = {};
export default class App extends Component<Props> {

  constructor(props) {
    this.onZenderPlayerClose = this.onZenderPlayerClose.bind(this);
    this.onZenderPlayerQuizShareCode = this.onZenderPlayerQuizShareCode.bind(this);
  // Use this callback to handle when the users wants to close the view
  onZenderPlayerClose(event) {
    console.log('Zender Player Close Event');

  // This callback provides you with the information to make a shareobject with a deeplink
  onZenderPlayerQuizShareCode(event) {
    console.log('Zender Player Share code Event');
    console.log('Share text: '+event.shareText);
    console.log('Share code: '+event.shareCode);

  render() {

    return <ZenderPlayerView
      targetId={ zenderTargetId }
      channelId={ zenderChannelId }
      authentication = { zenderAuthentication }
      config = { zenderConfig }
      onZenderPlayerClose={ this.onZenderPlayerClose }
      onZenderPlayerQuizShareCode={ this.onZenderPlayerQuizShareCode }
		flex: 1 , 
		backgroundColor: '#9FA8DA' // By default the view is transparent if no background has been set , set your own default color
	/>; // be sure to add flex:1 so the view appears full size


Add NPM Package

$ npm install --save


  • we add the package through a remote url instead of the public npm registry as some of the libraries are proprietry and can not be public.
  • npm linking from a local directory will not work as react-native does not support symbolic links for packages.
  • the npm tgz file is large (150mb+) so it might take some time to install, when you use a recent npm version this will be cached locally for speedups

Link the native package inside your own project

Now that you've installed the package, you can link it. This will setup the relation between your project and the react-native zender module.

$ react-native link react-native-zender

iOS native setup

This modules depends on additional frameworks. These frameworks are included inside the react-native-zender npm module. To make your iOS project find these frameworks you need to do two additional steps:

Configure Framework search Path

The first step it add the module Frameworks directory to the Framework search path:

  • Select your Application Target (on the left)
  • Select the build settings
  • Find the section "Framework Search Paths"
  • Add $(PROJECT_DIR)/../node_modules/react-native-zender/ios/Frameworks and mark it as recursive

Add Framework Search Path

Add to Embedded Frameworks to the project

The second step is to add the frameworks as embedded frameworks:

  • Select your Application Target (on the left)
  • Select the General tab
  • Select Add the framework via the Embedded Binaries (+ button)
  • Select Other to add the framework
  • Browse to your node_modules/react-native-zender/ios/Frameworks
  • Add frameworks Zender, ZenderPhenix and PhenixSdk
  • When a screen pops up to 'Choose options for adding these files' (Deselect Copy if needed, Select Create folder references)

Add to Embedded Frameworks

Strip frameworks

The Zender frameworks provides armv7, arm64, x86_64 architecture builds. To publish an app to the appstore, you need to strip the simulator part.

  • Select your Application Target (on the left)
  • Select the Build Phases tab
  • Add a Run Script (plus sign top left) below the Enmbedded Frameworks section
  • Enter bash "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}/Zender.framework/"

Strip Frameworks

Disable bitcode

Zender depends on frameworks that are currrently not BITCODE enabled. Therefore you need to disable it:

  • Select your Application Target (on the left)
  • Select the Build Settings tab
  • Find Enable Bitcode and select NO

Disable bitcode

Orientation Portrait

The Zender player autorotates, if you don't want this behaviour you need to fix the app rotation or the controller

  • Select your Application Target (on the left)
  • Select the General tab
  • Select/Deselect the required Device Orientation options

Fix portrait

Background audio

To be able to play audio in background, add this to the background mode:

  • Select your Application Target (on the left)
  • Select the Capabilities tab
  • Select Audio, Airplay, and Picture in Picture

Background Audio

Target version

the iOS target version is 9.0 and above

Settings verification

Depending on the react native version you need to check the following settings in your ios project:

  • Verify that the following property is set: Runpath Search Paths should be @executable_path/Frameworks (under Build Settings -> Linking)
  • Objective-C only: Set Enable Modules (C and Objective-C) to Yes (under Build Settings -> Apple Clang - Language - Modules)

Android native setup

Base setup

For android , all necessary files are included in the react-native library ;

  • RNZenderPlayer depends on both zender_core, zender_logger, zender_phenix and the phenix-sdk .aar files
  • The buildToolsVersion is currently 28.0.3 , this can be changed in the android/build.gradle file of the module if necessary

The minSDKVersion is 19 (Android 4.4) ; Update your android/build.gradle file:

buildscript {
    ext {
        buildToolsVersion = "28.0.3"
        minSdkVersion = 19                 <===== Edit here
        compileSdkVersion = 28
        targetSdkVersion = 28
        supportLibVersion = "28.0.0"


For reference Zender also depends on:

     implementation ''
     implementation 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.5.2'

Allow backup flag

Depending on your React native version used, you may have to add the flag android:allowBackup to your app AndroidManifest.xml

 <manifest xmlns:android=""
+    xmlns:tools=""

     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW"/>

+        tools:replace="android:allowBackup"

Soft-input pan

Android has different ways of dealing with the focus when typing on the keyboard. React-Native by default uses android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize">. This setting resizes the view to allow for the keyboard.

When using the keyboard in zender , we want a different behavior: scroll up the view instead of resizing . This is the equivalent of the adjustPan modus. To have the expected behavior Zender forces the softInputModus adjustPan


  • 2.0.2: fixes to android logging structure, removed allowbackup requirement for Android
  • 2.0.1: added zender libs ios 2.0.5 , phenix sdk 2019.2.1 , remove legacy http library dependency Android,
  • 2.0.0: rename module to reactive-native-zender , installation via remote url , local framework linking instead of cocoapods
  • 1.0.0: fixes background/foreground, connectionfeedback flex layout rendering, image fullwidth, allow auto-orientation
  • 0.0.3: react-native android version
  • 0.0.2: react-native ios version


React Native SDK of the Zender Player






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