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datalog sugar
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niquola committed Aug 4, 2023
1 parent 87e7d5d commit 1d28a79
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Showing 3 changed files with 124 additions and 7 deletions.
110 changes: 110 additions & 0 deletions src/zd/blocks/content.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
[clojure.pprint :as pprint]
[stylo.core :refer [c]]
[zd.methods :as methods]
[zd.utils :as utils]))

(defmethod methods/rendercontent :edn
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,6 +49,114 @@
(apply d/query ztx data params)
(d/query ztx data)))

(defn parse-query [q]
(let [xs (->> (str/split q #"\n")
(remove (fn [s] (or (str/blank? s) (str/starts-with? s "\\")))))
columns (->> xs
(filterv #(re-matches #"^\s?>.*" %))
(mapv #(subs % 1))
(mapv str/trim)
(filterv #(not (str/blank? %)))
(mapv (fn [x]
(if (str/starts-with? x "(")
['expr (edamame.core/parse-string x)]
(let [[e k] (str/split x #":" 2)]
[(symbol e) (cond
(= k "*") (symbol k)
(nil? k) :meta/docname
:else (keyword k))])))))
index (atom {})
find-items (->> (group-by first columns)
(reduce (fn [acc [k xs]]
(if (= 'expr k)
(->> (mapv second xs)
(reduce (fn [acc e]
(swap! index assoc e (count acc))
(conj acc e))
(let [cs (->> (mapv second xs) (dedupe) (into []))]
(swap! index assoc k (count acc))
(if (filter (fn [x] (contains? #{'x :?} x)) cs)
(conj acc (list 'pull k ['*]))
(if (seq cs)
(conj acc (list 'pull k cs))
(conj acc k))))))
where-items (->> xs
(filterv #(not (re-matches #"^\s?>.*" %)))
(mapv (fn [x] (edamame.core/parse-string (str/replace (str "[" x "]") #"#" ":symbol/")))))
where (->> where-items
(mapv (fn [x]
(fn [y]
(if (and (keyword? y) (= "symbol" (namespace y)))
(str "'" (name y))
y)) x))))]
(into {:where where
:find find-items
:columns columns
:index @index} )))

(def q
e :parent #organizations
e :rel #rel.partner
p :organization e
p :role #roles.cto
> d
> e:xt/id
> e:rel
> (count e)
> (mean e)

;; (parse-query q)

(defn render-table-value [ztx v block]
(symbol? v) (link/symbol-link ztx v)
(string? v) (zentext/parse-block ztx v block)
(number? v) v
(nil? v) "~"
(set? v) [:div {:class (c :flex :items-center [:space-x 2])}
(->> v (map (fn [x] [:div {:key (str x)} (render-table-value ztx x block)])))]
(keyword? v) (str v)
:else (with-out-str (clojure.pprint/pprint v))))

(defmethod methods/rendercontent :?
[ztx ctx {{headers :table-of} :ann data :data :as block}]
(let [q (parse-query data)
idx (:index q)
res (d/query ztx (dissoc q :columns :index))
res (->> res
(mapv (fn [x]
(->> (:columns q)
(mapv (fn [[e c]]
(list? c) (get-in x [(get idx c)])
(= c '*) (get-in x [(get idx e)])
(= c :?) (keys (get-in x [(get idx e)]))
:else (get-in x [(get idx e) c]))))))))
cols (->> (:columns q) (mapv second))]
[:details {:class (c :text-xs [:mb 2])}
[:summary {:class (c [:text :gray-500]) }"query"]
[:pre {:class (c :border [:p 2] [:bg :gray-100])}
(with-out-str (clojure.pprint/pprint (dissoc q :columns :index :args)))]]
(into [:thead]
(->> cols (map (fn [col] [:th {:class (c [:py 1] [:bg :gray-100] :border {:font-weight "500"})} (str col)]))))
(into [:tbody]
(for [vs res]
[:tr {:key (hash vs)}
(for [v vs]
[:td {:key v :class (c :border [:px 2] [:py 1] {:vertical-align "top"})}
(render-table-value ztx v block)])]))]]))

(defmethod methods/rendercontent :mm
[ztx ctx {d :data :as block}]
(let [id (str (gensym))
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17 changes: 12 additions & 5 deletions src/zd/datalog.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
(ns zd.datalog
(:require [zen.core :as zen]
[clojure.string :as str]
[xtdb.api :as xt]))

(defn get-state [ztx]
Expand All @@ -17,16 +19,21 @@

(defn query [ztx query & params]
(if-let [{n :node} (get-state ztx)]
(apply xt/q (xt/db n) query params)
(fn [x] (if (and (string? x) (str/starts-with? x "'"))
(symbol (subs x 1))
(apply xt/q (xt/db n) query params))

(defn flatten-doc [ztx {{dn :docname :as m} :zd/meta :as doc}]
(let [meta (->> m
(map (fn [[k v]] [(keyword "meta" (name k)) v]))
(into {}))]
(-> (dissoc doc :zd/backlinks :zd/subdocs :zd/meta)
(merge meta)
(assoc :xt/id (str (:docname m))))))
(into {}))
doc (-> (dissoc doc :zd/backlinks :zd/subdocs :zd/meta)
(merge meta)
(assoc :xt/id (str "'" (:docname m))))]
(clojure.walk/postwalk (fn [x] (if (symbol? x) (str "'" x) x)) doc)))

;; TODO rename to zd.datalog
(defmethod zen/op 'zd/query
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/zd/render.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(defn render-blocks [ztx ctx {m :zd/meta subs :zd/subdocs :as doc} & [render-subdoc?]]
[:div {:class (if (:zd/render-preview? ctx)
(c [:overflow-x-auto] [:w-max "50vw"])
(c [:w "60vw"] [:overflow-x-auto] [:w-max "60rem"]))}
(c [:w "60vw"] #_[:overflow-x-auto] [:w-max "60rem"]))}
;; TODO render errors in doc view
(when-let [errs (seq (:errors m))]
(methods/renderkey ztx ctx {:data errs :ann {} :key :zd/errors}))
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(defn render-doc [ztx ctx doc]
[:div {:class (c :flex :flex-col [:flex-grow 1])}
(topbar ztx ctx doc)
[:div#blocks {:class (c :flex :flex-row )}
[:div#blocks {:class (c :flex :flex-row :items-start)}
(render-blocks ztx ctx doc)
(contents-sidebar ztx ctx doc)]])

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