Make sure latest version of Git is installed for windows. Download Git
Location of .gitconfig file for global level:
On unix systems
~ /.gitconfig
On windows
Add the following lines at global level or project level .gitconfig file depending on the use case.
name = github_username
email = [email protected]
or run the following commands to set global values
git config --global "github_username"
git config --global "[email protected]"
Generate SSH public and private key pairs.
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N Password_123 -C ssh_key_comment -f /path/to/ssh_key
Add your SSH public key to Copy your private key to ~/.ssh directory.
Add the following lines to ~/.ssh/config file.
User git
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/ssh_private_key
Make sure latest version of Go is installed for windows. Download Go
Manual Procedure:
- Navigate to the location where go_workspace need to be created.
- Execute the following command in cmd to create go_workspace along with it's sub-directories.
mkdir go_workspace go_workspace\bin go_workspace\src go_workspace\pkg
- Set GOPATH environment variable pointing to go_workspace directory.
- Set PATH environment variable pointing to go_workspace\bin directory.
Automatic Procedure:
- Run “Create go_workspace.cmd” at the location where go_workspace need to be created.
- Set PATH environment variable pointing to go_workspace\bin directory.
Download and install IntelliJ for windows. Download IntelliJ
Edit "Open IntelliJ.cmd" to specify the installation directory of IntelliJ and it's respective .exe file
Double clicking on "Open IntelliJ.cmd" will execute start-ssh-agent, which is inside Git installation directory and then opens IntelliJ. So now IntelliJ will inherit the SSH_AUTH_SOCK and SSH_AGENT_PID environment variables set by start-ssh-agent
Double clicking on "Open CMD.cmd" will execute start-ssh-agent and then opens a Windows Command Line.
Now Windows Command Line will have the same SSH_AUTH_SOCK and SSH_AGENT_PID environment variables as IntelliJ.
Make sure that your current directory is the project directory for the Git commands to work in the Windows Command Line.
As the IntelliJ Command Line and Windows Command Line has the same SSH_AUTH_SOCK and SSH_AGENT_PID environment variables, any SSH private key added to one of them will be available to the other.
To use the custom commands present in custom_commands directory, set a new PATH environment variable pointing to custom_commands directory.
Now these custom commands can be invoked directly from the IntelliJ Command Line or Windows Command Line.
- Add Key (Add private key to the SSH agent)
- Add Key with Time (Add private key to the SSH agent for a specified time duration)
akt 3600s
akt 60m
akt 1h
Note: For the above commands remember to update the location of private key at their respective .cmd files.
- Lock Agent (Lock Agent the SSH agent with a password)
- Unlock Agent (Unlock Agent the SSH agent with a password)
- List Key (List all private key added to the SSH agent)
- Remove Key (Remove all private key from the SSH agent)
- Go Get via SSH (Downloads the remote github repository like "go get" but uses SSH)
ggs [email protected]:user_name/repo_name.git