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Benchmarking Analysis of MicroBiome Inference methods

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Benchmarking Analysis of MicroBiome Inference methods

This repository contains the scripts to perform a large-scale benchmarking effort of differential abundance testing methods for microbiome data that is described in our preprint.

The project relies heavily on SIMBA, an R package to simulate microbiome data with various methods, evaluate how well they mimic reality, apply differential abundance testing methods on these simulations, and finally evaluate the results from these differential abundance testing methods. This repository contains the code that we used to perform different benchmarks through SIMBA, relying on the batchtools package for automation and parallelization of computing jobs. For reproduction purposes, we additionally make use of the renv package, which provides reproducible environments for R.

Setup for Reproduction of Results

Since BAMBI is not an R package, the setup is a bit more complicated. Reproducibility is ensured by using renv and batchtools is used for communication with a high-performance computing infrastructure. We ran our analyses on a SLURM cluster and on a Grid Engine architecture, but batchtools is very versatile in which architectures it supports, including local machines and manually-defined computing clusters. We therefore encourage you to check out the batchtools documentation if you are using a different architecture.

  • You will need R version 4.0.0 installed.
  • Clone the SIMBA package which contains functions for simulating data and applying differential abundance tests
  • Install the renv v0.12.5 package from CRAN with install.packages('renv') to bootstrap the project-local library contained in renv.lock
    • Restore the environment via renv, thereby creating the same environment (in terms of packages used and their versions) that we used in our analyses (you will be prompted by R the first time you open the terminal)
  • Configure a batchtools template in the cluster_config subdirectory
    • Default configuration is for SLURM HPC; details for other HPC environments available here
  • Adjust the .Rprofile file within this repository (it is currently configured for our computing setting)
    • The RENV_PATHS_ROOT parameter indicates where renv stores packages
    • The simba.loc parameter indicates where the SIMBA package is located
    • The temp.loc parameter indicates where temporary files should be stored
  • Download the requisite datasets to the data subdirectory by executing Rscript ./src/download_data.R

Instructions on Use

The scripts work on a per-simulation basis. That means that one script is usually executed per simulation file. The scripts to create all the simulations included in our analyses are stored in the create_simulations subdirectory. In these example code chunks, we will use the simulations from McMurdie and Holmes (MMH) as an example.

1. Create the simulation files

The simulations will be saved to simulations/sim_MMH.h5 in a hierarchical data format

Rscript ./create_simulations/sim_MMH.R

or (on a SLURM cluster)

cd create_simulations
sbatch -J MMH sim_MMH.R

Expected output:

Loading SIMBA

+ Start checking data
++ BMI is interpreted as body mass index:
  will be converted to underweight/normal/overweight/obese
++ Age will be converted to a factor via quartiles
++ Library_Size will be converted to a factor via quartiles
++ meta-variables:
++ have only a single value across all samples and will be removed
++ meta-variables:
++ have too many values across samples and will be removed
++ Removing repeated measurements for individuals
+ Finished checking data

+ Start checking the simulation location
+ Finished checking the simulation location

+ Start filtering the data
++ Performing prevalence and abundance filtering
++ After filtering, the dataset contains 844 features and 880 samples
+ Finished filtering the data

+ Start checking the simulation parameters
+ Finished checking the simulation parameters

+ Save original data in the h5 file
+ Finished saving original data in the h5 file

+ Starting data generation using the method: McMurdie&Holmes
++ Create simulation template from data
++ Finished creating simulation template
+ Finished data generation   

+ Starting to check parameters for test idx creation
++ Remove test idx, if present
++ Test idx do not exist yet
+ Start test idx creation
+ Finished test idx creation  

estimated time to create this specific simulation on a desktop computer: 3 mins

Please note: The time to create different simulations can vary dramatically between methods

Please note: for some simulations (for example sim_negbin_cor), multiple cores are needed, since the underlying code will call SPIEC-EASI to estimate the underlying correlation structure, which is prohibitively slow when not parallelized with multiple cores

Also, please check out the SIMBA vignette for more information about how the data is stored within the .h5 file produced by this script.

2. Check reality: Compare real and simulated data

In a second step, the simulated data are compared to the real data in various measures, for example sparsity or feature variance. Additionally, PCoA are computed to visualize the difference between real and simulated samples. To do so, several jobs are created with batchtools when you call this script with the simulation ID as parameters:

Rscript ./src/reality_checks_cluster.R sim_Weiss

The script also submits the jobs to the cluster (since it is usually only a handful of jobs - as many as there are different effect sizes combinations). After all the jobs have been completed, you can combine the results by calling:

Rscript ./src/reality_checks_combination.R sim_Weiss

Since this step demands quite a bit of memory (usually more than is available on a submit node, we also have -again- a SLURM-specific script to send this compute job to the cluster)

cd ./src
sbatch -J Weiss_reality

The results will be found in the subdirectory './reality_checks/sim_Weiss'

├── reality_checks
│   ├── sim_MMH      <- Reality check results from sim_MMH.
|   | ├── auc_all.tsv                       <- AUCs from machine learning and PERMANOVA
|   | ├── auc_plot.pdf                      <- AUC plotted as heatmap
|   | ├── effect_size.pdf                   <- Effect size measures plotted as scatter plot
|   | ├── pco_plots.pdf                     <- PCoA plots for different effect sizes
|   | ├── sparsity_plot.pdf                 <- Sparsity plotted as heatmap
|   | ├── sparsity.tsv                      <- Sparsity measures as table
|   | ├── variance.tsv                      <- Variance and effect size measures for all features
|   | ├── variance_by_group.pdf             <- Variance plotted as heatmap
|   | ├── variance_by_group_and_type.pdf    <- Variance plotted as heatmap
|   | └── variance_scatter_plots.pdf        <- Variance plotted as scatter plot
|   |
│   └── other_sim      <- Other simulations will get their own folder

3. Run differential abundance tests on the simulated data

In our benchmark, we applied various differential abundance testing methods to the simulations, using the test indices created in step 1, so that each test is applied to exactly the same data. Since there are many different simulated or implanted effect sizes, several simulated sample sizes, and various methods that all need a different amount of time, we end up with many different jobs to send to the cluster. Here, batchtools comes to the rescue.

We first create a batchtools registry, in which we initialize all the jobs that we want to have computed. Then, we send the jobs to the cluster (this part requires a bit of manual oversight to check if some jobs have failed or if all have finished).

For these tasks, we have two R scripts. First, we prepare the registry:

Rscript ./src/prepare_registry.R sim_MMH

Then, we can run the jobs with:

Rscript ./src/run_tests.R sim_MMH

Alternatively, to run the tests of a single method (for example ANCOM, because there might be many for this specific method), we can also type:

Rscript ./src/run_tests.R sim_MMH ANCOM

Since the different tests have different time requirements, the jobs are chunked differently across tests. Faster tests will have less jobs. Therefore, for the sim_MMH simulation, we will have to run these tests:

ALDEx2          980
ANCOM           980
corncob         980
distinct        980
ZIBSeq          980
ZIBSeq-sqrt     980
ANCOMBC         140
DESeq2          140
edgeR           140
metagenomeSeq   140
metagenomeSeq2  140
ZINQ            140
KS              70
limma           70
lm              70
wilcoxon        42

For the implantation simulations, we have more repeats and also more effect sizes, therefore we also have to run more tests.

For the confounded simulations, the setup is again slightly different, since the resampling bias creates an additional parameter to be varied. Therefore, there are dedicated scripts to prepare the batchtools registries for those simulations, but the application of tests can be achieved with the same script (

4. Evaluate test performance

Lastly, we can evaluate the performance of the results from the differential abundance testing methods. For this, the P-values which are returned by the various tools are compared with the information about which features were actually used to carry a differential effect and the number of true positive discoveries (TP), false positives (FP), true negative (TN), and false negatives (FN) are computed with P=0.05 as cutoff. From those measures, the precision (PR), the recall (R), and the false discovery rate (FDR) are inferred. Additionally, the AUROC for the separation between true and background features is computed using the P-values as predictor.

This can be achieved by:

Rscript ./src/eval_tests.R sim_MMH

Here, you can again evaluate by single testing methods (in this case ANCOM):

Rscript ./src/eval_tests.R sim_MMH ANCOM

The evaluation metrics are then stored in the subdirectory test_results and can be read into R again:

test.results.MMH <- read_tsv('./test_results/sim_MMH.tsv')
# A tibble: 6 x 17
    rep auroc    TP    FP    TN    FN    PR     R   FDR group subset problem test  norm
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr>   <dbl> <chr>   <chr> <chr>
1     1 0.5       0     0   761    84     0     0     0 ab1_subse1 sim_MMH limma TSS  
2     2 0.501     0     0   761    84     0     0     0 ab1_subse1 sim_MMH limma TSS  
3     3 0.5       0     0   761    84     0     0     0 ab1_subse1 sim_MMH limma TSS  
4     4 0.499     0     0   761    84     0     0     0 ab1_subse1 sim_MMH limma TSS  
5     5 0.5       0     0   761    84     0     0     0 ab1_subse1 sim_MMH limma TSS  
6     6 0.5       0     0   761    84     0     0     0 ab1_subse1 sim_MMH limma TSS  
# … with 2 more variables: time.running <dbl>, mem.used <dbl>

Reproduction from Zenodo

We additionally provide the raw files from our analyses in a Zenodo repository, so that you can download those files (either the simulation files as .h5 files or the results from the differential abundance benchmarking) and run additional test on them or compare to the results we obtained.

Contact and Feedback

If you have any question or comment or if you run into any issue please:


BAMBI is distributed under the GPL-3 license.


If you use BAMBI, please cite us by

Wirbel J, Essex M, Foslund, SK Zeller G Evaluation of microbiome association models under realistic and confounded conditions bioRxiv (2022)