This is a simple monit style healthcheck script for HTTP/HTTPS based Services
The Service takes a host and path checkpoint and does repeated checks against the service. If it doesnt receive a 200 OK it will post a JSON message to a configurable URL. The JSON is in Slack notification format.
#Configuration Options on the service are set via environment parameters
##Mandatory Environment variables SERVER - This should be the host and port e.g.
NOTIFICATION_URL - A Slack notification or other url to post alerts to e.g.
##Optional Environment variables CONTEXT_PATH - defaults to /healthcheck'
USE_HTTPS - defaults to false
INTERVAL - defaults to 5000 (5 seconds) Call the healthcheck endpoint every 5 seconds
TIMEOUT - defaults to 3000 (3 seconds) if the endpoint doesnt respond within 3 seconds count this as a failure
NOTIFY_AFTER - defaults to 3, only send an alert after 3 failures
UPDATE_EVERY - defaults to 20, send a repeat of the failure alert after every 20 fails after the first alert
NOTIFICATION_USER - defaults to 'healthcheck', the username to display in Slack
docker run -d -e SERVER="" -e USE_HTTPS=true -e NOTIFICATION_URL="" zekizeki/healthcheck:latest