- Keep your application live.
- Wake up your application.
- compile 'com.github.zdxiang:SuperInvoker:the lasted version'
<version>the lasted version</version>
- Make sure that Your Application extends DaemonApplication and overried the methods
- Init the invokerEngin in 'startYourService'
- Return your working processName in 'getYourProcessName'.E.g cn.zdxiang.test:process
- Return your empty processName in 'getCoreProcessName'.E.g cn.zdxiang.test:coreprocess
- Return your working service CanonicalName that extends BaseBizService in 'getYourServiceCanonicalName'.E.g MyService.class.getCanonicalName();
- Set your manifest file
You can guide the user to set the automatic start.
if (!IntentWrapperUtils.isIntentWrapperSet(context)) {
IntentWrapper.whiteListMatters(context, activity, "some tips you want");