The Idemia microservice is a Python Django application that uses the Django Rest Framework to expose an API for in-person-proofing functions to GIVE.
To set up your environment, run the following commands (or the equivalent commands if not using a bash-like terminal):
# Clone the project
git clone
cd identity-give-ipp-idemia
# Set up Python virtual environment
python3.9 -m venv .venv
source venv/bin/activate
# .venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 on Windows
# Install dependencies and pre-commit hooks
python -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pre-commit install
, please make sure you have libpq-dev
installed on your system. For apt, use the following sudo apt install -y libpq-dev
The Django file for this project requires setting an environment variable: SECRET_KEY
Running the following in your shell should print a secret key that can be used.
import secrets
Set the environment variable using the entire output (including quotes) from the printed secret
# BASH-like shells
export SECRET_KEY=<your-secret-here>
# PowerShell
Note: during development, it may also be helpful to add the DEBUG
environment variable and setting it to the string True
After completing development setup and environment variable setup you can run the application with:
python migrate
python collectstatic
python test --debug-mode
gunicorn -b idemia.wsgi
All deployments require having the correct credentials in place. If you haven't already, visit and set up your account and CLI.
manifest.yml file contains the deployment configuration for, and expects a vars.yaml file that includes runtime variables referenced. For info, see cloud foundry manifest files reference
The application database must be deployed prior to the application, and can be deployed with the following commands:
cf create-service aws-rds <plan> ipp-idemia-db
You must wait until the database has completed provisioning to continue with the deployment. Wait for the status
field of cf service ipp-idemia-db
to change from create in progress
to create succeeded
watch -n 15 cf service ipp-idemia-db
After the database has come up, running cf push --vars-file vars.yaml --var SECRET_KEY=$SECRET_KEY
Idemia pre-enrollment API functionality.
Exposes in-person proofing locations via the idemia UEP locations API