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Enum Definitions



  • Type: number
Name Value Description
RC4_40 0 40bit RC4 Encryption
RC4_128 1 128bit RC4 Encryption
AES_128 2 128bit AES Encryption
AES_256 3 256bit AES Encryption

Type Definitions



Name Type Attributes Description
certs Array<forge.pki.Certificate> optional An array of necessary certificates.
ocsps Array<Uint8Array> optional An array of OCSPs' response.
crls Array<Uint8Array> optional The array of CRLs.



Name Type Attributes Description
mode Crypto.Mode required The mode of encryption
permissions Array<string> optional The set of permissions to be blocked 1️⃣
userpwd string optional User password. Used when opening the pdf.
ownerpwd string optional Owner password. If not specified, a random value is used.
pubkeys Array<PubKeyInfo> optional An array of recipients containing public-key certificates ('c') and permissions ('p').

1️⃣ permissions can be the values listed blow.

  • copy: (Only valid on public-key mode) Copy text and graphics from the document;
  • print: Print the document;
  • modify: Modify the contents of the document by operations other than those controlled by 'fill-forms', 'extract' and 'assemble';
  • copy-extract: Copy or otherwise extract text and graphics from the document;
  • annot-forms: Add or modify text annotations, fill in interactive form fields, and, if 'modify' is also set, create or modify interactive form fields (including signature fields);
  • fill-forms: Fill in existing interactive form fields (including signature fields), even if 'annot-forms' is not specified;
  • extract: Extract text and graphics (in support of accessibility to users with disabilities or for other purposes);
  • assemble: Assemble the document (insert, rotate, or delete pages and create bookmarks or thumbnail images), even if 'modify' is not set;
  • print-high: Print the document to a representation from which a faithful digital copy of the PDF content could be generated. When this is not set, printing is limited to a low-level representation of the appearance, possibly of degraded quality.



Name Type Attributes Description
c Array<number>
optional A certificate.
p Array<string> optional An array of permissions you want to block. Valid values see EncryptOption



Name Type Attributes Description
x number required Distance from left
y number required Distance from top
w number optional Width
h number optional Height



Name Type Attributes Description
text string required A text to draw.
size number required Font size
fontData Array<number>
optional The font's data for drawing text.
See PdfFonts.getEmbeddedFont for the default font.
subset boolean optional Create font subset or not.
Set to true to reduce the size of pdf file.
color string optional A Hex string of font color. 1️⃣
Default: #000
opacity number optional Valid value is from 0 to 1.
Default: 1
🚫Not implemented yet
blendMode string optional Valid value is one of the values in PDFLib.BlendMode
🚫Not implemented yet
lineHeight number optional Default is the height of the font at the given size.
xOffset number optional An offset from SignAreaInfo's x.
yOffset number optional An offset from SignAreaInfo's y.
wMax number optional The max width for drawing text.
align number optional Alignment of text. 2️⃣
Default is 0.
noBreaks string optional A regular expression string that indicates which characters should not be used to break a word.
Default: [A-Za-z0-9]

1️⃣ Value of color can be 6-digit or 3-digit. And # can be omitted.

2️⃣ align can be the values listed blow.

  • 0: left
  • 1: center
  • 2: right



Name Type Attributes Description
imgData Array<number>
required The image's data.
imgType string required The image's type, only support jpg and png
opacity number optional Valid value is from 0 to 1.
Default: 1
🚫Not implemented yet
blendMode string optional Valid value is one of the values in PDFLib.BlendMode
🚫Not implemented yet



Name Type Attributes Description
area SignAreaInfo required The signature's drawing area, these numbers are dots on 72dpi.
pageidx number
optional The index of a page where the signature will be placed.
A string can be used to indicate placing the signature on multiple pages. 1️⃣
Default is 0.
imgData Array<number>
optional The image's data.
Deprecated, use imgInfo instead.
imgType string optional The image's type, only support jpg and png
Deprecated, use imgInfo instead.
imgInfo SignImageInfo optional Image's informations for drawing.
textInfo SignTextInfo optional Text's informations for drawing.

1️⃣ For example: A pdf contains 17 pages and specify "-3,5-7,9,12,15-" to pageidx means [0,1,2,3,5,6,7,9,12,15,16].


For placing signature on multiple pages, all target pages must have the same dimensions and the same rotation angle.



Name Type Attributes Description
p12cert Array<number>
optional Certificate's data. In the case of adding a document timestamp, it must be omitted.
pwd string optional The passphrase of the certificate. In the case of adding a document timestamp, it must be omitted.
permission number optional The modification permissions granted for this document. 1️⃣
reason string optional The reason for signing
location string optional Your location
contact string optional Your contact information
signdate TsaServiceInfo
optional In the case of adding a document timestamp, it can't be omitted and can't be a Date. 2️⃣
signame string optional The name of the signature
drawinf SignDrawInfo optional Visible signature's information
ltv number optional The method of how to enable LTV 3️⃣
debug boolean optional To output debug informations or not

1️⃣ permission is a setting of DocMDP. Valid values are:

  • 1: No changes to the document are permitted; any change to the document invalidates the signature.
  • 2: Permitted changes are filling in forms, instantiating page templates, and signing; other changes invalidate the signature.
  • 3: Permitted changes are the same as for 2, as well as annotation creation, deletion, and modification; other changes invalidate the signature.

2️⃣ signdate

3️⃣ ltv's valid values are:

  • 1: auto; Try using OCSP only to enable the LTV first; If can't, try using CRL to enable the LTV.
  • 2: crl only; Only try using CRL to enable the LTV.



Name Type Attributes Description
url string required The url of TSA.
len number optional The length of signature's placeholder.
headers Object<string, *> optional The customized headers for sending to tsa server.

Function Definitions


u8arrToRaw(uarr) ➡️ string
Converts an Uint8Array to a raw string.

Name Type Attributes Description
uarr Uint8Array required The target Uint8Array


rawToU8arr(raw) ➡️ Uint8Array
Converts a raw string to an Uint8Array.

Name Type Attributes Description
raw string required The target string





new CertsChain(certsopt)

Name Type Attributes Description
certs Array<forge.pki.Certificate>
optional An array of certificates.



buildChain(cert) ➡️ Promise<boolean>
Build the certificates chain from the specified certificate, and returns true if this operation is successful.

Name Type Attributes Description
cert forge.pki.Certificate required A certificate to start build by looking for it's issuer.


getAllCerts() ➡️ Array<forge.pki.Certificate>
Returns an array of all certificates.


getSignCert() ➡️ forge.pki.Certificate
Returns the certificate for signing.


isSelfSignedCert() ➡️ boolean
Returns true if the certificate for signing is a self-signed certificate.


prepareDSSInf(crlOnlyopt) ➡️ Promise<DSSInfo>
Returns the informations of DSS.

Name Type Attributes Description
crlOnly boolean optional Query CRL only or try query OCSP first.




new PdfCryptor(encopt)

Name Type Attributes Description
encopt EncryptOption required Infomations of encryption.



encryptObject(num, val)
Encrypts the content of the specified pdf object.

Name Type Attributes Description
num number required The object number.
val PDFLib.PDFObject required The target object.


encryptPdf(pdf, refopt) ➡️ Promise<PDFLib.PDFDocument>
Encrypts the contents in the pdf and returns the pdf document.

Name Type Attributes Description
pdf PDFLib.PDFDocument
required The target pdf.
ref PDFLib.PDFRef optional The unique reference will be assigned to the encryption information.




new PdfSigner(signopt)

Name Type Attributes Description
signopt SignOption required Infomations of signing.



sign(pdf, cypoptopt) ➡️ Promise<Uint8Array>
Sign the pdf and returns the binary data.

Name Type Attributes Description
pdf PDFLib.PDFDocument
required The target pdf.
cypopt EncryptOption optional The informations of encryption.




new TsaFetcher(inf)

Name Type Attributes Description
inf TsaServiceInfo required Infomations of TSA.


Name Type Description
url string The url of TSA.
len number The length of signature which is generated by the TSA.



getCertsChain() ➡️ CertsChain
Get the certificates' chain from the response of TSA.


getToken(forP7opt) ➡️ forge.asn1
Get the token data in response from TSA.

Name Type Attributes Description
forP7 boolean optional To create an asn1 for appending to a pkcs#7 signature or not.


queryTsa(data) ➡️ Promise<string>
Query TSA to sign the data and returns error message if error occured.

Name Type Attributes Description
data string required The data needs to be signed.



Static Methods


from(pdfdoc) ➡️ Promise<PdfFonts>
Load embedded fonts from pdf document.

Name Type Attributes Description
pdfdoc PDFLib.PDFDocument required The target pdf document.



getEmbeddedFont(fontDataopt, subsetopt) ➡️ Promise<PDFLib.PDFFont>
Get the embedded font or create one if not exists.

Name Type Attributes Description
fontData Array<number>
optional Data of font. If omitted,
the default font is PDFLib.StandardFonts.Helvetica if there is no existing embedded font.
Or the default font is the first existing embedded font.
subset boolean optional Create font subset or not.


  • CRL📢 Certificate Revocation List
  • DSS📢 Document Security Store
  • DocMDP📢 Document Modification Detection and Prevention
  • LTV📢 Long-Term Validation
  • OCSP📢 Online Certificate Status Protocol
  • TSA📢 Time Stamp Authority