Implementation of basic data structures and algorithms in Golang. Following data structures and algorithms with their respective files are included.
- RingBuffer
- LeakyBuffer
- MinHeap
- Singly Linked List
- Doubly Linked List
- Queue
- LRU Cache with Queue
- Stack
- Monotonic Stack
- Binary Tree
- LRU Cache with Hash Map and Doubly Linked List
- Linear search
- Binary search
- Path Finder (Finds path from starting point to end point in a maze if such path exists)
- Bubble sort
- Quick sort
- Depth-first traversal tree
- Breath-first search tree
- Compare two binary trees (Compares whether two binary trees have exact shape and values)
- Breath-first search Graph
- Dijkstra's Shortest Path
- Test coverage for all data structures and algorithms
- CLI program for demonstrating data structures and algorithms