"Battleship (also Battleships or Sea Battle) is a guessing game for two players. It is played on ruled grids on which the players' fleets of ships (including battleships) are marked. The locations of the fleet are concealed from the other player. Players alternate turns calling "shots" at the other player's ships, and the objective of the game is to destroy the opposing player's fleet". (from wikipedia).
Since both players would play on the same screen, they would not be able to hide their fleets from each other while placing them, so I decided to make it a one player game, with the fleet of battleships hidden from a player on the grid. A player would click on cells on the grid trying to find a battleship. If a player hits a target, (clicks on a cell, where a part of a battleship is located) the cell would turn orange color, when a battle is fully destroyed (all cells where a battleship is located are clicked on) the player is notified (alert message). If a player clicks on a cell with no battleship on it, it would turn grey color. The number of clicks out of a target is limited to 35, at this moment the game stops, user is notified with alert message and the game automatically reloads. If a player destroyed all battleships (clicked on all cells with battleships) they win and a player is redirected to a page with a congratulation message.
It should've had minimum two pages - landing page and a game page. I marked in blue color all necessarily features I thought to include into the game. In orange color - all optional features I would include after the game mvp is done. Below the wireframes I wrote down the game logic as I saw it at that moment. As I wrote it down and presented my game to our squad and instructor, I came up with two questions, marked in green. For the game mvp I decided to make one static instance of the game (with the battleships placed on a certain place, not distributed randomly).
I expected to create a basic clikable model of the game by Friday, day three of the project. On the first day I came up with the game idea and the game main logic. I wrote pseudocode. At the beginning, I had an idea of creating the grid and cells with DOM manipulation on the fly with randomizing algorithm, bu lost one day trying to solve the functions. I could not predict how much time it would take or understand if I was close or not to the solution, so I went with the static one instance of the game. On the day three I wrote the basic html, css and first functions of jQuery. On day four I wrote a basic clickable model, which still had some issues, which I was able to solve on the fifth day of the project.
- jQuery
You can play Battleship Game here