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Flysystem by @frankdejonge

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Flysystem is a filesystem abstraction which allows you to easily swap out a local filesystem for a remote one.

Flysystem on Packagist

Support Flysystem

Do you use Flysystem often? Supporting it through Gittip will help freeing up extra time for me to work on bugs, new features and documentation.

Support with Gittip


  • Have a generic API for handling common tasks across multiple file storage engines.
  • Have consistent output which you can rely on.
  • Integrate well with other packages/frameworks.
  • Be cacheable.
  • Emulate directories in systems that support none, like AwsS3.
  • Support third party plugins.
  • Make it easy to test your filesystem interactions.
  • Support streams for big file handling


Through Composer, obviously:

    "require": {
        "league/flysystem": "0.5.*"

You can also use Flysystem without using Composer by registering an autoloader function:

spl_autoload_register(function($class) {
    $prefix = 'League\\Flysystem\\';

    if ( ! substr($class, 0, 17) === $prefix) {

    $class = substr($class, strlen($prefix));
    $location = __DIR__ . 'path/to/flysystem/src/' . str_replace('\\', '/', $class) . '.php';

    if (is_file($location)) {


Want to get started quickly? Check out some of these integrations:


  • Local
  • Amazon Web Services - S3
  • Rackspace Cloud Files
  • Dropbox
  • Ftp
  • Sftp (through phpseclib)
  • Zip (through ZipArchive)
  • WebDAV (through SabreDAV)
  • NullAdapter

Planned Adapters

  • Azure (PR welcome)
  • PR's welcome?


  • Memory (array caching)
  • Redis (through Predis)
  • Memcached
  • Adapter

Local Setup

use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local as Adapter;

$filesystem = new Filesystem(new Adapter(__DIR__.'/path/to/root'));

Zip Archive Setup

use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\Adapter\Zip as Adapter;

$filesystem = new Filesystem(new Adapter(__DIR__.'/path/to/'));

AWS S3 Setup

use Aws\S3\S3Client;
use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\Adapter\AwsS3 as Adapter;

$client = S3Client::factory(array(
    'key'    => '[your key]',
    'secret' => '[your secret]',

$filesystem = new Filesystem(new Adapter($client, 'bucket-name', 'optional-prefix'));

Rackspace Setup

use OpenCloud\OpenStack;
use OpenCloud\Rackspace;
use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\Adapter\Rackspace as Adapter;

$client = new OpenStack(Rackspace::UK_IDENTITY_ENDPOINT, array(
    'username' => ':username',
    'password' => ':password',

$store = $client->objectStoreService('cloudFiles', 'LON');
$container = $store->getContainer('flysystem');

$filesystem = new Filesystem(new Adapter($container));

You can also use a prefix to "namespace" your filesystem.

$filesystem = new Filesystem(new Adapter\Rackspace($container, 'prefix'));

Dropbox Setup

use Dropbox\Client;
use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\Adapter\Dropbox as Adapter;

$client = new Client($token, $appName);
$filesystem = new Filesystem(new Adapter($client, 'optional/path/prefix'));

FTP Setup

use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\Adapter\Ftp as Adapter;

$filesystem = new Filesystem(new Adapter(array(
    'host' => '',
    'username' => 'username',
    'password' => 'password',

    /** optional config settings */
    'port' => 21,
    'root' => '/path/to/root',
    'passive' => true,
    'ssl' => true,
    'timeout' => 30,

SFTP Setup

use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\Adapter\Sftp as Adapter;

$filesystem = new Filesystem(new Adapter(array(
    'host' => '',
    'port' => 21,
    'username' => 'username',
    'password' => 'password',
    'privateKey' => 'path/to/or/contents/of/privatekey',
    'root' => '/path/to/root',
    'timeout' => 10,

WebDAV Setup

$client = new Sabre\DAV\Client($settings);
$adapter = new League\Flysystem\Adapter\WebDav($client);
$flysystem = new League\Flysystem\Filesystem($adapter);

NullAdapter Setup

This adapter acts like /dev/null, you can only write to it. Reading from it is never possible.

$adapter = new League\Flysystem\Adapter\NullAdapter;
$flysystem = new League\Flysystem\Filesystem($adapter);

Predis Caching Setup

use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local as Adapter;
use League\Flysystem\Cache\Predis as Cache;

$filesystem = new Filesystem(new Adapter(__DIR__.'/path/to/root'), new Cache);

// Or supply a client
$client = new Predis\Client;
$filesystem = new Filesystem(new Adapter(__DIR__.'/path/to/root'), new Cache($client));

Memcached Caching Setup

use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local as Adapter;
use League\Flysystem\Cache\Memcached as Cache;

$memcached = new Memcached;
$memcached->addServer('localhost', 11211);

$filesystem = new Filesystem(new Adapter(__DIR__.'/path/to/root'), new Cache($memcached, 'storageKey', 300));
// Storage Key and expire time are optional

Adapter Caching Setup

use Dropbox\Client;
use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\Adapter\Dropbox;
use League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local;
use League\Flysystem\Cache\Adapter;

$client = new Client('token', 'app');
$dropbox = new Dropbox($client, 'prefix');

$local = new Local('path');
$cache = new Adapter($local, 'file', 300);
// Expire time is optional

$filesystem = new Filesystem($dropbox, $cache);

General Usage

Write Files

$filesystem->write('filename.txt', 'contents');

Update Files

$filesystem->update('filename.txt', 'new contents');

Write or Update Files

$filesystem->put('filename.txt', 'contents');

Read Files

$contents = $filesystem->read('filename.txt');

Check if a file exists

$exists = $filesystem->has('filename.txt');

Delete Files


Read and Delete

$contents = $filesystem->readAndDelete('filename.txt');

Rename Files

$filesystem->rename('filename.txt', 'newname.txt');

Get Mimetypes

$mimetype = $filesystem->getMimetype('filename.txt');

Get Timestamps

$timestamp = $filesystem->getTimestamp('filename.txt');

Get File Sizes

$size = $filesystem->getSize('filename.txt');

Create Directories


Directories are also made implicitly when writing to a deeper path

$filesystem->write('path/to/filename.txt', 'contents');

Delete Directories


Manage Visibility

Visibility is the abstraction of file permissions across multiple platforms. Visibility can be either public or private.

use League\Flysystem\AdapterInterface;
$filesystem->write('db.backup', $backup, [
    'visibility' => AdapterInterface::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE),
// or simply
$filesystem->write('db.backup', $backup, ['visibility' => 'private']);

You can also change and check visibility of existing files

if ($filesystem->getVisibility('secret.txt') === 'private') {
    $filesystem->setVisibility('secret.txt', 'public');

Global visibility setting

You can set the visibility as a default, which prevents you from setting it all over the place.

$filesystem = new League\Flysystem\Filesystem($adapter, $cache, [
    'visibility' => AdapterInterface::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE

List Contents

$contents = $filemanager->listContents();

The result of a contents listing is a collection of arrays containing all the metadata the file manager knows at that time. By default a you'll receive path info and file type. Additional info could be supplied by default depending on the adapter used.


foreach ($contents as $object) {
    echo $object['basename'].' is located at'.$object['path'].' and is a '.$object['type'];

By default Flysystem lists the top directory non-recursively. You can supply a directory name and recursive boolean to get more precise results

$contents = $flysystem->listContents('some/dir', true);

List paths

$paths = $filemanager->listPaths();

foreach ($paths as $path) {
    echo $path;

List with ensured presence of specific metadata

$listing = $flysystem->listWith(['mimetype', 'size', 'timestamp'], 'optional/path/to/dir', true);

foreach ($listing as $object) {
    echo $object['path'].' has mimetype: '.$object['mimetype'];

Get file into with explicit metadata

$info = $flysystem->getWithMetadata('path/to/file.txt', ['timestamp', 'mimetype']);
echo $info['mimetype'];
echo $info['timestamp'];

Using streams for reads and writes

$stream = fopen('/path/to/database.backup', 'r+');
$flysystem->writeStream('backups/' . strftime('%G-%m-%d') . '.backup', $stream);

// Using write you can also directly set the visibility
$flysystem->writeStream('backups/' . strftime('%G-%m-%d') . '.backup', $stream, 'private');

// Or update a file with stream contents
$flysystem->updateStream('backups/' . strftime('%G-%m-%d') . '.backup', $stream);

// Retrieve a read-stream
$stream = $flysystem->readStream('something/is/here.ext');
$contents = stream_get_contents($stream);

// Create or overwrite using a stream.
$putStream = tmpfile();
fwrite($putStream, $contents);
$filesystem->putStream('somewhere/here.txt', $putStream);

S3 and writeStream

In order to get the correct mime type for the object, supply it like so:

$s3->writeStream('path/to/object.png', $stream, [
    'visibility' => 'public',
    'mimetype' => 'image/png',


Flysystem comes with an integration of the Event package (also provided by the PHP League). In this case you can use the League\Flysystem\EventableFilesystem. This will expose the same API as the League\Flysystem\Filesystem class but exposes events for every method call. Events allow you to hook into Flysystem by exposing a before and after event for every method.

use League\Flysystem\EventableFilesystem;
use League\Flysystem\Event\Before;
use League\Flysystem\Event\After;

$filesystem = new League\Flysystem\EventableFilesystem($adapter, $cache, $options);
$filesystem->addListener('', function (Before $event) {
    // Get a parameter
    $path = $event->getArgument('path');

    // Overwrite a parameter
    $event->setArgument('path', '/another/path.ext');

    // Cancel the operation
    $event->cancelOperation('optional alternative return value');

$filesystem->addListener('', function (After $event)) {
    // Get the response
    $response = $event->getResponse();

    // Overwrite the response
    $event->setResponse('altered response');


Need a feature which is not included in Flysystem's bag of tricks? Write a plugin!

use League\Flysystem\FilesystemInterface;
use League\Flysystem\PluginInterface;

class MaximusAwesomeness implements PluginInterface
    protected $filesystem;

    public function setFilesystem(FilesystemInterface $filesystem)
        $this->filesystem = $filesystem;

    public function getMethod()
        return 'getDown';

    public function handle($path = null)
        $contents = $this->filesystem->read($path);

        return sha1($contents);

Now we're ready to use the plugin

use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\Adapter;

$filesystem = new Filesystem(new Adapter\Local(__DIR__.'/path/to/files/'));
$filesystem->addPlugin(new MaximusAwesomeness);
$sha1 = $filesystem->getDown('path/to/file');

Mount Manager

Flysystem comes with an wrapper class to easily work with multiple filesystem instances from a single object. The Flysystem\MountManager is an easy to use container allowing you do simplify complex cross-filesystem interactions.

Setting up a Mount Manager is easy:

$ftp = new League\Flysystem\Filesystem($ftpAdapter);
$s3 = new League\Flysystem\Filesystem($s3Adapter);
$local = new League\Flysystem\Filesystem($localAdapter);

// Add them in the constructor
$manager = new League\Flysystem\MountManager(array(
    'ftp' => $ftp,
    's3' => $s3,

// Or mount them later
$manager->mountFilesystem('local', $local);

Now we do all the file operations we'd normally do on a Flysystem\Filesystem instance.

// Read from FTP
$contents = $manager->read('ftp://some/file.txt');

// And write to local
$manager->write('local://put/it/here.txt', $contents);

This makes it easy to code up simple sync strategies.

$contents = $manager->listContents('local://uploads', true);

foreach ($contents as $entry) {
    $update = false;

    if ( ! $manager->has('storage://'.$entry['path'])) {
        $update = true;

    elseif ($manager->getTimestamp('local://'.$entry['path']) > $manager->getTimestamp('storage://'.$entry['path'])) {
        $update = true;

    if ($update) {
        $manager->put('storage://'.$entry['path'], $manager->read('local://'.$entry['path']));


Oh and if you've come down this far, you might as well follow me on twitter.


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