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framework-agnostic, schema management tool for everyone


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Schema Tool

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Schema Tool helps manage database alter history in a framework-agnostic way that works well for both large and small teams. The tool uses the concept of a linear alter chain to track the order in which alters should be (or have been) applied. It does so by giving each alter a backref that points at a previous alter in the alter chain. The alter chain must remain linear. (In Git metaphors, this is akin to requiring a fast-forward and disallowing a merge.) The features of the tool aim to allow developers to write alter code in their respective branches, easily and safely merge that code into the main alter chain, and finally run those alters on target databases (dev, QA, production, etc).

Currently the tool supports MySQL, Postgres, and Vertica.

The key features of the tool are:

  • Manage alter chains (parents and children) and provide check/resolve tools to enforce these chains are correct
  • Automatically run alters to setup, teardown, or rebuild your database
  • Determine what environment alters are allowed to run in
  • Keep track of a history of what alters have been run in the database for easy programatic usage

One thing that the tool is not, and does not try to be, is a domain-specific language for making alters. SQL is an excellent DSL already, so there is no need for that.


  • Python 2.7 (may work with other versions, only tested against 2.7)
  • psycopg2 if planning to use Schema Tool with Postgres
  • vertica-python and psycopg2 (required by Vertica python) if planning to use Schema Tool with Vertica
  • Hive version 0.11+ (beeline required) and pyhs2 if planning to use with Hive

Getting Started

You need to download the tool and (preferably) have the schema executable somewhere on your path. You can get started with the tool simply by doing:

mkdir -p ~/bin
cd ~/bin
git clone [email protected]:appnexus/schema-tool.git schema-tool

echo 'export PATH="$HOME/bin/schema-tool:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
# or
echo 'alias schema="$HOME/bin/schema-tool/"' >> ~/.bashrc

source ~/.bashrc

If you are creating a new project, you can simply do the following:

mkdir my-schemas
cd my-schemas/
git init

# for MySQL
cp ~/bin/schema-tool/conf/config.json.mysql-template config.json
# or, for Postgres
cp ~/bin/schema-tool/conf/config.json.pgsql-template config.json
# or, for Vertica
cp ~/bin/schema-tool/conf/config.json.vertica-template config.json
# or, for Hive
cp ~/bin/schema-tool/conf/config.json.hive-template config.json

# edit appropriately
vim config.json

Here is the content of the MySQL config file template:

    "type"               : "mysql",

    "username"           : "root",
    "password"           : "root",
    "host"               : "localhost",
    "port"               : 3306,

    "revision_db_name"   : "revision",
    "history_table_name" : "history",

    "pre_commit_hook"    : "relative/path/",
    "static_alter_dir"   : "relative/path/to-static-alters/"

It should be pretty self-explanatory except for the revision database and the history table. These fields specify where the tool will keep track of what alters have been run. You can set these values to whatever names you would like - the tool takes care of creating the database and table. For more information on configuring the tool, see the Configuration section below.

Once your configuration file is correct, you are ready to take a tour of the tool and create your first alter. You can find all the commands supported by the tool by reading the help-file, which you can get to via schema -h. You should see the following:

Usage: schema command [options]

(ENV)01:alter(master % u=) $ schema -h
Usage: schema command [options]

  new         Create a new alter
  check       Check that all back-refs constitute a valid chain
  list        List the current alter chain
  up          Bring up to particular revision
  down        Roll back to a particular revision
  rebuild     Run the entire database down and back up (hard refresh)
  gen-ref     Generate new file-ref
  gen-sql     Generate SQL for a given reference, including revision-history alter(s)
  resolve     Resolve a divergent-branch conflict (found by 'check' command)
  init        Initialize new project
  version     Shows current version of tool
  help        Show this help message and exit

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Additionally each command also has its own help file. For example, if you wanted to see what options are available to you when applying an alter, you can could schema up -h and see:

Usage: schema up [options] [ref]

  ref               Run all alters up to, and including, the ref given

  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  -n N, --number=N  Run N number of up-alters from current state - overrides
  -f, --force       Continue running up-alters even if an error has occurred
  -v, --verbose     Output verbose error-messages when used with -f option if
                    errors are encountered
  -u, --no-undo     When comparing histories (of what has ran and what is to
                    be ran) do not undo any previously ran alters

To get started and create your first file, simply run:

schema init
schema new -f init

The init will take care of setting up the revision database and history table (or whatever you configured them to be) and any janitorial tasks. The new will create an up and down file that will look something like this:


The number at the front is the identifier that is used to keep the alter chain in line (see next section on understanding the chain). You can now edit the files (including whatever alter you have) and apply them against your local database by running schema up.

Now you're up and running! You can add more files with schema new and control the state of your database with up, down, and rebuild commands.


Configuration for the schema tool usually exists in a file named config.json that is located within the current working directory, also the directory containing the alter files. However, the tool will also load a base config from ~/.schema-tool. This file will serve as the defaults for any configurations not specified in the local config.json. If, for example, you work solely MySQL then your user/pass and host/port settings can be stored in this file.

Since the bulk of the config options focus around connecting to the various, supported databases; not all config values apply for each type of database being used. The following chart attempts to define each option based on the database type being used.

Value Type DB Description
type string * Defines the DB type to be used. Possible values: mysql, hive, postgres, vertica
username string * Defines the username to use when connecting to the DB.
password string * Defines the password to use when connecting to the DB.
host string * Defines host of DB to connect to. No default provided.
port int * Defines the port of the DB host to connect to. Specific DB support may provide default.
db_name string postgres, vertica Determines specific DB to connect to when running alters.
schema_name string postgres, vertica Determines specific schema to connect to when running alters.
revision_db_name string * Name of DB to store history information in (for applied alters). Note: For Postgres and Vertica, if the DB does not already exist, it will error. Unlike Hive or MySQL, the DB will not be automatically created for you. The schema however will be as defined in revision_schema_name.
revision_schema_name string postgres, vertica Defines the schema name that the history table will live in.
history_table_name string * Name of table to store history information in (for applied alters).
pre_commit_hook string * Path to script to use as a pre-commit hook. Will be installed when init is run.
static_alter_dir string * Path to output "static alter files" when using the gen-sql command.

Understanding The Alter Chain

To understand how the tool does its job, you have to understand how it thinks about alters. When working with alters, it's easy to have dependencies between alters such that order is very important. The way that the tool addresses this is by giving each alter a unique reference and each alter specifies its parent alter by that reference. The parent relationship specifies that the parent alter should be applied before the child alter. This creates a singly- linked list where the tail is the first alter to be run and the head is the last alter to be run:

A <----- B <----- C <----- D <----- E <----- F

A valid alter chain does not have any branching such that a parent has multiple children. This can arise in situations where you might have created a separate feature-branch in your version control system and merged it back to the mainline after some time of development in which the mainline branch had advanced in the interim:

A <----- B <----- C  <----- F
                    \ <----- D <----- E

The check command will alert you to any inconsistencies in your alter chain like that which is defined above. The resolve command will help you resolve such issues if they are found. More on that later.

Note that each node in the alter chain is actually a pair of alters. One item in the pair is the up alter and the other item is the down alter. The actual structure would look like:

Up:    A <----- B <----- C <----- D <----- E <----- F
       ∧        ∧        ∧        ∧        ∧        ∧
       |        |        |        |        |        |
       ∨        ∨        ∨        ∨        ∨        ∨
Down:  A <----- B <----- C <----- D <----- E <----- F

The alters are given refs, rather than incremental numbers, because it makes things a little easier to track within the database in terms of what has been applied. When working with multiple branches, the incremental numbers may not represent the correct set of alters that have been applied to the database. This is important when updating that the user knows he is up to date with the correct alters.

Running Alters (up / down / rebuild)

You can run alters by using the up, down, and rebuild commands. The rebuild command will run all the way down and all the way back up. There are some common options you should be aware of that each command supports:

  • -v outputs verbose error messages
  • -f will ignore errors and move on to running the next alter
  • -n (only on up and down) specifies the number of alters to run from current point
  • ref you can provide a reference number to run up/down to. For rebuild it will run down to this commit and back up (inclusively)

You may run into errors when switching branches often because the tool will get confused on what may or may not have ran against your database. Most of the time you can get around this by running schema rebuild -fv.

Running Environment Specific Alters

When working on large software systems, it is common to run it in multiple environments (prod, staging, sand, test / eq, dev, etc). It happens occasionally that you need to craft an alter to only run on a subset of all environment or all but a few environment. To help with this dilemma, you can add an additional bit of meta-data to your alters to specify the environments it should or should not be run in.

To specify where the alter should run, you can add the following bit of meta-data to the top of your alter

-- require-env: dev, test

This implies that the alter will only be run in dev or test environment. Similarly, we could specify that the alter should not be run in production, which could be defined as

-- skip-env: prod

It is important to note that since require-env works as a whitelist and skip-env works as a blacklist, that only one config-value can be used at a time within a single alter. Since the DB state is used to run the 'down' alters, this is only required in the 'up' alter.

To specify which environment you are currently running with, simply edit your config.json to indicate with the env key.

  "env": "dev"

For your local development setup, this is usually a good candidate to put into your global config file ~/.schema-tool. See Configuration for more information about the global config file.

Checking and Resolving the Alter Chain

Running the check command will let you know if you have a divergent branch. Typically this is the result of merging two branches or rebasing against your stable branch from your feature branch. The check command will tell you where the branch occurs and list the two alters that are in question. If you know which alter is at fault (typically the new alter) then you can simply run:


This will move the offending alter (and any alters that come after it in the sub-chain) to the end of the alter chain. One thing to note is that if you resolve the incorrect alter, then you may end up with an order-of events that does not make sense.

DBA Alter Generation

If you work in a large organization or with a mission-critical RDBMS then your database administrators (DBAs) may, understandably, be hesitant to use any tool to auto-magically run alters against the production environment. However, it still would be nice to take advantage of the revision-tracking functionality this tool provides in your production environment. This tool provides the best of both worlds. Your DBAs can use plain alters (and whatever tools they choose) and you can track what revisions have run against your production database. This can be done with the gen-sql command.

The gen-sql command generates a set of alters, from your original alters, with SQL added to directly manage insertions and deletions into the revision table. To get started you need to ensure that your schema project is setup correctly for static alter genration.


  • All commands are performed within the root directory of the schema project that you created (as per the Getting Started section)
  • The config.json (config file) is located within the project root
  • Edit your config.json to include the following two keys:
"static_alter_dir": "DBA_FILES/"
"pre_commit_hook": ""
  • Copy the pre-commit hook from the schema-tool's contrib to your schema-dir:
cp SCHEMA-TOOL-REPO/contrib/ .
  • Use the schema-tool to install the hook and perform any needed setup:
schema init
  • Perform initial generation (for any existing alter):
schema gen-sql -qw  # Generates static 'up' alters from existing 'up' alters
schema gen-sql -qwd # Generates static 'down' alters from existing 'down' alters

Now that you have the hook installed, you will see auto-generated files show up each time you commit a new (or edit an existing) alter.

You can look at the help-file for gen-sql yourself to become familiar with the other options of the command.

Recommended Workflow

You can use the tool any way that you see fit. However, we've found that it works quite well when you work with feature branches. In this workflow all new work is done on a feature branch and master becomes the stable branch. When an atler is completed (tested / reviewed) you can rebase against master and then run a schema check followed by a schema resolve if necessary. When you merge to master you ensure that the feature branch is up-to-date.

In this way you avoid merges with master (and thus divergent alter chains) and ensure that master is clean (and ideally stable). You can further enforce this workflow with testing (ensuring that all the alters can be run) such as Jenkins and Gerrit (to enforce the rebase-based workflow).

Reporting Issues / Feature Requests

If you run into an issue that results in a script error (Python stacktrace) then please open up a ticket in the GitHub issue tracker. Please include the following information

  • Steps to reliably reproduce the issue
  • Entire error output including stack trace

We'll work with you to resolve the issue and collect any more information that may be required to diagnose the issue.


If you would like to contribute, please see our current list of issues and/or feature requests and send us a pull request. If you have something specific that you'd like to add or fix, please open up an issue for discussion. If it is a fix for a bug or everyone agrees that it would be a useful feature, then submit your pull request. Make sure that your pull request's commit message uses one of the appropriate identifiers to link the pull request to the issue.

If you are making updates to the documentation, please be sure to run make with the project's Makefile to perform all required pre-processing of the docs. You can run make setup to install any required pre-processors.

Current contributors


See LICENSE file


framework-agnostic, schema management tool for everyone







No packages published


  • Python 99.0%
  • Other 1.0%