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A super simple and lightweight TypeScript rendering engine for making 2D games.


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TypeScript Render Engine

A super simple and lightweight TypeScript rendering engine for making 2D JavaScript games using HTML Canvases.

GitHub package.json version

Usage | Installation | Examples | Documentation


import Engine, { StaticLayer, IEntity } from '@zacktherrien/typescript-render-engine';

const engine = new Engine();
Creating layers
// create a new layer.
const backgroundZIndex = 0;
const backgroundLayer = new StaticLayer(backgroundZIndex);

// add the layer to the engine
Adding entities
// create an entity that extends the IEntity interface.
const terrain: IEntity = new Terrain(); // your class

// add the new entity to the layer
Start rendering
// render static background:

// start rendering dynamic layers


This package uses Github Packages as the NPM repository. See here for help.

Add the following to the .npmrc file at the root of your project's folder:


Then to install:

npm install @zacktherrien/typescript-render-engine


Class: Engine

  • start() Starts rendering the registered layers.
  • stop() Stops rendering.
  • registerLayer(layer: IRenderingLayer) Add a layer to the engine
    • layer The layer to be added
  • getLayer(layerIndex: LayerIndex): IRenderingLayer Get a previous registered layer.
    • layerIndex a number representing the Z-Index of the layer.

Class: RenderingLayer

  • readonly layerIndex: LayerIndex number representing the zindex of the layer
  • constructor(layerIndex: LayerIndex, initialWidth?: number, initialHeight?: number, initialX: number = 0, initialY: number = 0,) Creates a rendering layer.
    • layerIndex Number representing the z-index of the layer on the screen.
    • entity An optional, default first entity of the layer.
  • addEntity(entity: IEntity) Add an entity to be rendered
    • entity The entity to be added
  • removeEntity(entity: IEntity) Remove an entity from being rendered
    • entity The entity to be deleted
  • getContext(): CanvasRenderingContext2D Get the rendering context of this layer
  • update(deltaTime: number) Updates all entities sequentially in the order they were added.
    • deltaTime Time (in ms) since the last frame was rendered
  • render() Renders all the entities in this layer sequentially in the order they were added.
  • getWidth(): number Get the width of the layer
  • getHeight(): number Get the height of the layer
  • getX(): number Get the x position of the layer, from the left side of the dom.
  • getY(): number Get the y position of the layer, from the top of the dom.
  • resize(width: number, height: number, resizeMethod: ResizeMethod = ResizeMethod.FROM_ORIGIN): number Change the size of the layer.
    • width The new width of the layer
    • height The new height of the layer
    • resizeMethod How the resize will be performed, from the origin or from the center of layer.
  • setPosition(x: number, height: number) Change the position of the layer.
    • x the new x position of the layer.
    • y the new y position of the layer.

Class: DynamicLayer

Will update and render all entities in the layer when a new frame becomes available

Class: StaticLayer

Will render all entities in the layer when told via the allowRenderOnNextFrame function.

  • allowRenderOnNextFrame() When the next frame becomes available, the render function will be called.

Class: DeferredLayer

Once the deferredTime (in MS) has been reached, the next frame will update and render. After another deferredTime the layer will update and rerender.

  • constructor(deferredTime: number, layerIndex: LayerIndex, initialWidth?: number, initialHeight?: number, initialX: number = 0, initialY: number = 0,) Creates a deferred rendering layer.


  • RenderLayerFunction Function signature of a layer's render function.
  • UpdateLayerFunction Function signature of a layer's update function.
  • RenderFunction Function signature of an entity's render function.
  • UpdateFunction Function signature of an entity's update function.
  • LayerIndex Number representing the Z-Index of a layer.
  • ResizeMethod Enum representing the resizing strategy of a layer
    • FROM_ORIGIN Resize the layer conserving the (0,0) point at the same position in the screen.
    • FROM_CENTER Resize the layer conserving the center point at the same position in the screen.

Recommended constants:

 * Enum representing all layers' z-index.
const enum LayerIndex {
    HOUSES = 1,
    PLAYERS = 2,
    HUD = 10,