This is a very lightweight, simple, and high-performance process engine framework
jdk1.8 + above spring5.0.5+above
jdk版本最低1.8以上,spring 5.05版本或者以上
The main branch is No longer maintained
Add dependency to your project /在项目中引入框架核心依赖
<dependency> <groupId>io.github.yxh-flow</groupId> <artifactId>flow_core</artifactId> <version>1.0.0-RELEASE</version> </dependency>
Create your business Invoker that extend simple_flow framework Invoker Interface,such as :
@Service public class A extends Invoker { @Override public void invoker(InvokerContextRequest A) { System.out.println("this is A and current threadId is"+Thread.currentThread().getId()); } }
In this example,I will create some Invoker which named A B C D E
在这个例子中,我将会创建A B C D E这几个Invoker执行器
create simple_flow.xml which used for process planning then place this file in folder resources, 'a' is the beanName of A class
创建一个 simple_flow.xml放到项目resources文件夹下,其中a代表的是A这个对象在spring容器中的BeanName
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<chain name="chain1">
<chain name="chain2">
Represents serial execution Represents parallel execution
这个标签代表串行执行 这个标签代表并行执行
Add @EnableSimpleFlow annotation to the A startup class
在主启动类中添加注解 @EnableSimpleFlow
@SpringBootApplication @EnableSimpleFlow public class FlowServerApplication { public static void main(String[] args) {, args); } }
Last,you can create a controller to test this case; example,I select chain1 to test
public class TestController {
private ThreadPoolTaskExecutor shopTaskExecutor;
public String doInvoker(){
InvokerContextRequest invokerContextRequest = new InvokerContextRequest();
invokerContextRequest.setParam("this is test ....");
System.out.println("total cost:"+invokerContextRequest.getCostTime());
return "ok";
You can specify different Thread Pool for each chain; Achieve the effect of resource isolation
Please refer to the project demo: springboot_flow_demo
想了解更多细节,可以下载源码,在 springboot_flow_demo这个模块,有测试demo
If you have any good ideas, please contact me at: [email protected]