This release contains the latest available versions of:
- Mermaid
- Nomnoml
- PlantUML
- Vega
- Vega-Lite
We've also introduced a new API that returns a simple status on the health of the server and the diagram libraries versions.
This API is available at:
: versioned URL (alias)/healthz
: k8s liveness default URL (alias)
Here's a response example:
"status": "pass",
"version": {
"kroki": {
"number": "0.7.1",
"build_hash": "3ce18ec"
"actdiag": "2.0.0",
"umlet": "14.3.0",
"bpmn": "7.3.0",
"nwdiag": "2.0.0",
"c4plantuml": "1.2020.15",
"plantuml": "1.2020.15",
"nomnoml": "0.7.2",
"rackdiag": "2.0.0",
"seqdiag": "2.0.0",
"wavedrom": "2.3.2",
"bytefield": "1.5.0",
"mermaid": "8.7.0",
"erd": "",
"graphviz": "2.40.1",
"packetdiag": "2.0.0",
"vegalite": "4.14.1",
"ditaa": "1.3.13",
"svgbob": "0.4.2",
"vega": "5.13.0",
"blockdiag": "2.0.1"
- Add an health check API (#329) - big thanks to @llaville!
- Use an explicit height and width on all Mermaid diagrams. It makes it easier to display SVG images using an
element (#432) - Upgrade BPMN from 7.3.0 to 7.4.0
- Upgrade Mermaid from 8.7.0 to 8.8.2
- Upgrade Nomnoml from 0.8.0 to 1.2.0
- Upgrade PlantUML from 1.2020.15 to 1.2020.19
- Upgrade Vega from 5.13.0 to 5.17.0
- Upgrade Vega Lite from 4.14.1 to 4.17.0
Add a LICENSE file
Upgrade dependencies
- Bump vertx.version from 3.9.2 to 3.9.4
- Bump node from 12.18.3-alpine3.11 to 12.19.0-alpine3.11 in /bytefield
- Bump node from 12.18.3-alpine3.11 to 12.19.0-alpine3.11 in /mermaid
- Bump node from 12.18.3-alpine3.11 to 12.19.0-alpine3.11 in /bpmn
- Bump node from 12.18.3-alpine3.11 to 12.19.0-alpine3.11 in /nomnoml
- Bump python from 3.8.5-alpine3.11 to 3.8.6-alpine3.11 in /blockdiag
- Bump puppeteer from 5.2.1 to 5.3.1 in /mermaid
- Bump puppeteer from 5.2.1 to 5.3.1 in /bpmn
- Bump reportlab from 3.5.47 to 3.5.53 in /blockdiag
- Bump yargs from 15.4.1 to 16.0.3 in /vega
- Bump node-fetch from 2.6.0 to 2.6.1 in /vega
Upgrade development dependencies
- Bump mocha from 8.1.1 to 8.2.0
- Bump mockito-core from 3.4.6 to 3.5.15
- Bump junit.jupiter.version from 5.6.2 to 5.7.0
- Bump assertj-core from 3.16.1 to 3.17.2
- Bump standard from 14.3.4 to 15.0.0 in /bpmn
- Bump standard from 14.3.4 to 15.0.0 in /vega
- Bump standard from 14.3.4 to 15.0.0 in /nomnoml
- Bump standard from 14.3.4 to 15.0.0 in /mermaid
- Bump standard from 14.3.4 to 15.0.0 in /bytefield
- Bump bl from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3 in /bpmn
- Bump bl from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3 in /mermaid
- Update Docker Hub URLs
- Update the list of diagrams libraries available in yuzutech/kroki image
- Use SVG badge for Gitter on README