Here are the scripts I used to download then extract the MDA section ofForm 10k filings from EDGAR database.
- Download the index file of form 10k filings, raw index files will be saved to './data/index', and create an aggregated index file './year2016-2016.10k.index'
python --year_start 2016 --year_end 2016 --index_dir ./data/index --out_file ./year2016-2016.10k.index
- Download Form 10k filings using the previously generated index file and save to text directory './data/txt'
python --index_path ./year2016-2016.10k.index --txt_dir ./data/txt
- Parse the MDA section of the downloaded text and save to mda directory './data/mda'
python --txt_dir ./data/txt --mda_dir ./data/mda
python: 3.5
pip install -r requirements.txt