Calculates the output shape of Pytorch operations
How to use:
Install torchshape package:
pip install torchshape
Import torchshape package:
from torchshape import tensorshape
Call tensorshape function in your code:
outshape = tensorshape(op, inshape)
- op (torch.nn.Container) - Single or collection of operations such as nn.Module, nn.Sequential, or nn.ModuleList
- inshape (tuple of integers) - Dimensions of expected input tensor. First element is always batch size and second element is number of input channels. For image-based tensors, third and forth dimensions are image height and image width.
See for example usage.
- nn.Conv1d
- nn.Conv2d
- nn.ConvTranspose2d
- nn.Linear
- nn.MaxPool1d
- nn.MaxPool2d
- nn.AvgPool1d
- nn.AvgPool2d
- nn.Flatten
- nn.BatchNorm1d
- nn.BatchNorm2d