A dapp that allows customers to donate funds to restaurants and earn NFT
- Live Site - https://fund-the-restaurants.web.app/
- Demo - https://youtu.be/Cj3Wk7cqk4Q
- Customers can donate crypto to restaurants owners
- Restaurant owners can create a post to get funds from someone
- Customers can earn NFT and FTR(ERC20) by donating crypto to restaurants
- Customers can also earn FTR by sharing the link to their friends or families
- Customers can pay 1 FTR to change the background color of their NFTs
- Image is uploaded on IPFS
- Latest price for Matic and ETH using Chainlink Price Feeds
- React
- Bootstrap 4
- Solidity
- Openzeppelin/contracts ERC721.sol and ERC20.sol
- Chainlink Price Feeds
- Portis (Alternative Wallet Provider)
- Moralis SDK
- Clone or download this repository
- Run
npm i
to install the dependencies - Open up Ganache and click "Quickstart"
- Run
truffle migrate
to deploy the contract - Create a file called 'config.js' on the src folder and add the following code
export const portisId = 'Get Portis ID from Portis Dashboard';
- Run
npm start
to start the dapp
These contracts are not audited. Please review this code on your own before using any of the following code for production. I will not be responsible or liable for all loss or damage caused from this project.