CRISPRCasStack is a toolkit capable of accurately identifying Cas proteins and comprehensively predicting CRISPR-Cas-related components, with the goal of accurately identifying potential Cas proteins that cannot currently be identified based on homology through a machine learning-based approach. At the same time, CRISPRCasStack integrates a set of state-of-the-art tools that can accurately identify CRISPR-Cas locus on prokaryotic genomes. Two user input modes are provided in the CRISPRCasStack toolkit: Genome sequence input mode and Proteins sequence input mode. If you want to detect CRISPR-Cas locus related information, please enter the genome sequence. If you want to detect only Cas proteins, please enter the proteome sequence.
First you need to use CRISPRCasStack on the Linux system and in a conda environment.
conda install --yes --file requirements.txt
Due to file upload restrictions, you will need to extract the zip file from the hmm folder to the hmm folder.The database is then formatted in the hmm folder with the following command.
hmmpress AllProfiles.hmm
Due to file upload restrictions, you will need to download the uniref50(Download address: database to the database folder and makeblastdb it with the following command
makeblastdb -in uniref50.fasta -parse_seqids -hash_index -dbtype prot
You can see the help by using the -h
python -h
-i <Path of the input file>
-o <Path of the output folder>
Give the selected calculation mode (select g
if the input is a genomic sequence, or p
if the input is a protein sequence)
-m <Path of the output folder>
-t <Threshold values for determining Cas proteins>
python -i testinput/test.txt -o testoutput -m p
python -i testinput/test_g.fasta -o testoutput -m g