Hybrid Proximal Policy Optimization (HPPO) for WetEnv
This project implements a Hybrid Proximal Policy Optimization (HPPO) algorithm for reinforcement learning in a custom environment called WetEnv. The HPPO algorithm is designed to handle both discrete and continuous action spaces.
: Custom environment implementation (WetEnv)
: HPPO algorithm implementation, including PPO_Hybrid, ActorCritic_Hybrid, and PPOBuffer classes
: Trainer class for managing the training process
: Utility functions and configurations
You can modify the hyperparameters in the hppoTrainer.py
file or pass them as command-line arguments.
- WetEnv: Custom environment with hybrid action space (discrete and continuous).
- PPO_Hybrid: Implementation of the Hybrid Proximal Policy Optimization algorithm.
- ActorCritic_Hybrid: Neural network architecture for the actor-critic model.
- PPOBuffer: Experience replay buffer for storing and sampling transitions.
- Trainer: Manages the training process, including episode collection, agent updates, and logging.
Key hyperparameters include:
- Learning rates (actor, critic, std)
- Discount factor (gamma)
- GAE lambda
- Clipping epsilon
- Target KL divergence
- Entropy coefficient
Refer to the hppoTrainer.py
file for a complete list of hyperparameters and their default values.
After training, the results will be saved in the log/
directory, including:
- Total reward history (
file) - Total reward plot (
- 调参对比,曲线优化
- evaluate function design1: 用当前版本input直接计算,用下个版本的last opt plan作为对比
- evaluate function design2: 用当前版本input训练,生成随机初始状态,用下个版本的input做推理,用下下个版本的last opt plan作为对比,查看模型泛化能力
- 单个版本的与gurobi结果的对比,要gantt结果可视化
- 大量版本的与gurobi结果的对比,对比可视化,不需要gantt结果可视化
- 计算时间与episode的曲线
- pm down 放入 observation space
- constraints referenced from gurobi ppt(one by one)
- step update/reward: 酸浓度更新不能超过上限
- step update/reward: 酸浓度更新如果超过上限 下一步换酸还是现在换酸 还是用reward去调节使得完美利用酸浓度
- step update/action mask: 酸浓度超3402上限 → 当前Period不能加工3402
- step update/action mask: 酸寿命超3402上限 → 当前Period不能加工3402
- action mask/reward: 必须达到酸浓度或者算寿命上限才能换酸,否则不能换酸
- reward function
- 如果没有初始酸浓度,则给予300浓度
- acid alter 没有酸浓度上升数据
- gurobi的酸浓度上限显示5500或5000,与model读入的数据分析不一致
- 不需要move量作为action,修改decoder,调整前6h的限制
- 均衡性,计算平均值时,gurobi模型将pm和down机的也算进来了,应该去掉
- 全局step均衡性,rl改为了同一时间内的step均衡性
- 计算均衡性,是否应该使用归一化方差
- 目标函数的参数设计应该根据结果再进行优化调整
- buffer size can not bigger than 64, because the buffer size must < the ptr size
- Be consistent with gurobi's settings self.period_list=[1,24], otherwise data reading will cause errors
- needn't use continuous action, the move qauntity is set to be max directly
- https://github.com/ray-project/ray
- https://docs.ray.io/en/latest/ray-overview/index.html
- https://docs.ray.io/en/latest/rllib/index.html
- ray-rllib 开发者文档总结 - 知乎 (zhihu.com)
- Metro1998/hppo-in-traffic-signal-control (github.com)
- https://github.com/openai/spinningup/tree/master/spinup/algos/pytorch/ppo
- https://github.com/ikostrikov/pytorch-a2c-ppo-acktr-gail/blob/master/a2c_ppo_acktr/algo/ppo.py
- 深度强化学习调参技巧:以D3QN、TD3、PPO、SAC算法为例(有空再添加图片) - 曾伊言的文章 - 知乎 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/345353294