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This update adds price validity validation to cart drawer.
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This also changes the logic of the notification and countdown - previously this notification was used only in one place on one page. But since now this block can be used everywhere - the page is used to store data and the time of the last update of the cart data.

All notifications are synchronized and show the same time.

Also, this commit update plugin version to
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Romanavr committed Dec 3, 2024
1 parent 3e6f200 commit ebf507a
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Showing 34 changed files with 41,153 additions and 0 deletions.
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions CartView.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
import { defineComponent as _, ref as d, onMounted as C, computed as k, openBlock as t, createBlock as n, unref as a, withCtx as u, createTextVNode as f, toDisplayString as h, createElementBlock as i, Fragment as y, renderList as x } from "vue";
import { P as w } from "./PageComponent.js";
import { u as g, a as b, b as v, U as B, G as L, B as S, C as H, _ as I } from "./index2.js";
const V = {
key: 1,
class: "th-cart__list"
}, E = /* @__PURE__ */ _({
__name: "CartView",
setup(G) {
const p = g(), { t: e } = b(), o = v(), c = d("");
C(() => {
var r;
B.replaceLangSwitcher(), c.value = ((r = window.ticketHub) == null ? void 0 : r.emptyCartLink) || "", L.viewCart();
const l = async () => {
await p.push({ name: "checkout" });
}, m = k(() => o.count === 0 ? e("cart.cartIsEmpty") : e("cart.your", o.count));
return (r, M) => (t(), n(w, {
"button-click-handler": l,
"is-cart": !0,
"next-step-button-text": a(e)("cart.toCheckout"),
title: m.value,
class: "th-cart"
}, {
content: u(() => [
a(o).count === 0 ? (t(), n(S, {
key: 0,
to: c.value,
bg: "accent",
tag: "a"
}, {
default: u(() => [
f(h(a(e)("cart.startShopping")), 1)
_: 1
}, 8, ["to"])) : (t(), i("div", V, [
(t(!0), i(y, null, x(a(o).items, (s) => (t(), n(H, {
product: s
}, null, 8, ["product"]))), 128))
_: 1
}, 8, ["next-step-button-text", "title"]));
}), U = /* @__PURE__ */ I(E, [["__scopeId", "data-v-6d8ff5c3"]]);
export {
U as default
202 changes: 202 additions & 0 deletions CheckoutSteps.vue_vue_type_script_async_true_setup_true_lang.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
import { defineComponent as g, openBlock as n, createElementBlock as h, normalizeClass as w, createElementVNode as l, renderSlot as z, toDisplayString as V, computed as a, Fragment as U, unref as e, createBlock as d, withCtx as u, createVNode as r, createTextVNode as E, createCommentVNode as f, resolveDynamicComponent as R } from "vue";
import { _ as k, a as H, u as L, B as T, w as b } from "./index2.js";
const P = { class: "th-checkout-step__title" }, I = /* @__PURE__ */ g({
__name: "CheckoutStep",
props: {
title: {},
active: { type: Boolean, default: !1 },
prev: { type: Boolean, default: !1 }
setup(t) {
return (o, s) => (n(), h("div", {
class: w([{
"th-checkout-step_prev": o.prev
}, "th-checkout-step"])
}, [
l("div", {
class: w([{ "th-checkout-step__icon_active": }, "th-checkout-step__icon"])
}, [
z(o.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, !0)
], 2),
l("div", P, V(o.title), 1)
], 2));
}), p = /* @__PURE__ */ k(I, [["__scopeId", "data-v-929b0022"]]), S = ["width", "height"], D = /* @__PURE__ */ l("path", {
"fill-rule": "evenodd",
"clip-rule": "evenodd",
d: `M6.94555 1.07437C6.71026 0.84103 6.33037 0.842606 6.09703 1.07789L1.34083
5.87372C0.722234 6.49747 0.722236 7.50331 1.34083 8.12706L6.09703 12.9229C6.33037
13.1582 6.71026 13.1598 6.94555 12.9264C7.18083 12.6931 7.18241 12.3132 6.94907
12.0779L2.19287 7.28206C2.03822 7.12612 2.03822 6.87466 2.19287 6.71872L6.94907
1.92289C7.18241 1.68761 7.18083 1.30771 6.94555 1.07437Z`,
fill: "currentColor"
}, null, -1), N = [
], O = /* @__PURE__ */ g({
__name: "ChevronLeftIcon",
props: {
size: { default: 8 }
setup(t) {
return (o, s) => (n(), h("svg", {
width: o.size,
height: o.size * 1.75,
viewBox: "0 0 8 14",
fill: "none",
xmlns: ""
}, N, 8, S));
}), Z = {}, A = {
width: "32",
height: "32",
viewBox: "0 0 32 32",
fill: "none",
xmlns: ""
}, F = /* @__PURE__ */ l("path", {
"fill-rule": "evenodd",
"clip-rule": "evenodd",
d: "M20.6667 14.3333H11.3333H10C9.63281 14.3333 9.33333 14.632 9.33333 15V24.3333C9.33333 24.7013 9.63281 25 10 25H22C22.3672 25 22.6667 24.7013 22.6667 24.3333V15C22.6667 14.632 22.3672 14.3333 22 14.3333H20.6667ZM20 10.3333V13H12V10.3333C12 8.12793 13.7946 6.33333 16 6.33333C18.2054 6.33333 20 8.12793 20 10.3333ZM10.6667 13V10.3333C10.6667 7.39193 13.0586 5 16 5C18.9414 5 21.3333 7.39193 21.3333 10.3333V13H22C23.1022 13 24 13.8968 24 15V24.3333C24 25.4365 23.1022 26.3333 22 26.3333H10C8.89779 26.3333 8 25.4365 8 24.3333V15C8 13.8968 8.89779 13 10 13H10.6667Z",
fill: "currentColor"
}, null, -1), G = [
function K(t, o) {
return n(), h("svg", A, G);
const Y = /* @__PURE__ */ k(Z, [["render", K]]), j = {}, q = {
width: "32",
height: "32",
viewBox: "0 0 32 32",
fill: "none",
xmlns: ""
}, J = /* @__PURE__ */ l("circle", {
cx: "16",
cy: "12",
r: "5",
stroke: "currentColor",
"stroke-width": "1.2"
}, null, -1), Q = /* @__PURE__ */ l("path", {
d: "M24 25.9993V24.6309C24 22.4217 22.2091 20.6309 20 20.6309H12C9.79086 20.6309 8 22.4217 8 24.6309V25.9993",
stroke: "currentColor",
"stroke-width": "1.2"
}, null, -1), W = [
function X(t, o) {
return n(), h("svg", q, W);
const e0 = /* @__PURE__ */ k(j, [["render", X]]), t0 = {}, c0 = {
height: "32",
viewBox: "0 0 38 32",
width: "38",
xmlns: ""
}, o0 = /* @__PURE__ */ l("path", {
d: "M37.839 13.285l-2.23-2.23c-0.205-0.205-0.471-0.302-0.745-0.302-0.194 0-0.391 0.048-0.575 0.139-0.363 0.181-0.76 0.271-1.157 0.271-0.665 0-1.33-0.254-1.837-0.761-0.81-0.81-0.973-2.022-0.49-2.994 0.221-0.444 0.188-0.97-0.162-1.32l-2.23-2.23c-0.221-0.221-0.512-0.332-0.802-0.332s-0.581 0.111-0.802 0.332l-3.742 3.742c-0.537-0.076-1.056-0.312-1.47-0.726-0.81-0.81-0.973-2.022-0.49-2.994 0.221-0.444 0.188-0.97-0.162-1.32l-2.23-2.23c-0.221-0.222-0.512-0.332-0.802-0.332s-0.581 0.111-0.802 0.332l-16.779 16.779c-0.443 0.443-0.443 1.161 0 1.604l2.227 2.227c0.205 0.205 0.471 0.301 0.744 0.301 0.195 0 0.393-0.049 0.578-0.141 0.365-0.183 0.764-0.274 1.164-0.274 0.665 0 1.331 0.254 1.838 0.761 0.812 0.812 0.975 2.028 0.487 3.002-0.222 0.444-0.191 0.971 0.16 1.323l2.227 2.227c0.222 0.221 0.512 0.332 0.802 0.332s0.581-0.111 0.802-0.332l3.75-3.75c0.537 0.077 1.056 0.313 1.469 0.726 0.812 0.812 0.975 2.028 0.487 3.002-0.222 0.444-0.191 0.971 0.16 1.323l2.227 2.227c0.221 0.221 0.512 0.332 0.802 0.332s0.581-0.111 0.802-0.332l16.779-16.779c0.443-0.443 0.443-1.161 0-1.604zM14.245 22.316l-3.685 3.685-1.079-1.079c0.564-1.668 0.146-3.531-1.127-4.803-0.884-0.884-2.059-1.371-3.309-1.371-0.507 0-1.014 0.084-1.494 0.245l-1.080-1.080 8.956-8.956c0.514 0.482 1.319 0.479 1.821-0.023s0.505-1.307 0.023-1.821l4.641-4.641 1.084 1.084c-0.558 1.665-0.138 3.523 1.13 4.791 0.381 0.381 0.824 0.672 1.297 0.899 0.622 0.298 1.301 0.471 2.011 0.471 0.167 0 0.333-0.023 0.5-0.041 0.334-0.036 0.665-0.095 0.983-0.2l1.084 1.084-4.652 4.652c-0.515-0.43-1.275-0.419-1.759 0.064s-0.494 1.243-0.064 1.759l-5.282 5.282zM31.048 18.738c-0.516-0.43-1.275-0.419-1.759 0.064s-0.494 1.243-0.064 1.759l-8.967 8.967-1.079-1.079c0.564-1.668 0.145-3.531-1.127-4.803-0.381-0.381-0.824-0.673-1.297-0.899l7.387-7.387c0.472 0.188 1.032 0.093 1.414-0.29s0.478-0.942 0.29-1.414l2.294-2.294c0.443-0.443 0.443-1.161 0-1.604l-2.144-2.144 1.615-1.615 1.084 1.084c-0.558 1.665-0.138 3.523 1.13 4.791 0.884 0.883 2.058 1.37 3.308 1.37 0.503 0 1.006-0.082 1.483-0.241l1.084 1.084-4.652 4.652z",
style: { fill: "currentColor" }
}, null, -1), s0 = /* @__PURE__ */ l("path", {
d: "M26.495 16.009c-0.512 0.512-0.512 1.343 0 1.856s1.343 0.512 1.856 0 0.512-1.343 0-1.856c-0.512-0.512-1.343-0.512-1.856 0z",
style: { fill: "currentColor" }
}, null, -1), n0 = /* @__PURE__ */ l("path", {
d: "M14.003 9.688c-0.512 0.512-0.512 1.343 0 1.856s1.343 0.512 1.856 0c0.512-0.512 0.512-1.343 0-1.856s-1.343-0.512-1.856 0z",
style: { fill: "currentColor" }
}, null, -1), l0 = /* @__PURE__ */ l("path", {
d: "M18.373 12.296c-0.502-0.291-1.146-0.244-1.576 0.186s-0.477 1.073-0.186 1.576c0.056 0.097 0.103 0.197 0.186 0.28 0.512 0.512 1.343 0.512 1.856 0s0.512-1.343 0-1.856c-0.083-0.083-0.183-0.13-0.28-0.186z",
style: { fill: "currentColor" }
}, null, -1), r0 = [
function a0(t, o) {
return n(), h("svg", c0, r0);
const $ = /* @__PURE__ */ k(t0, [["render", a0]]), u0 = "cart", m = "checkout", v = "upgrades", i0 = "payment", i = (t) => a(() => typeof t.getRoutes().find((s) => === v) < "u"), C = (t) => a(() => === m), x = (t) => a(() => === v), _ = (t) => a(() => === i0), y = (t) => a(() => i(t).value && x(t).value || _(t).value), _0 = (t) => a(() => i(t).value && _(t).value), k0 = /* @__PURE__ */ g({
__name: "CheckoutSteps",
setup(t) {
const { isDesktop: o } = b, { t: s } = H(), c = L(), B = a(() => C(c).value ? { name: u0 } : i(c).value && _(c).value ? { name: v } : { name: m }), M = a(() => C(c).value ? s("cart.back") : i(c).value && _(c).value ? s("upgrades.back") : s("checkout.back"));
return (h0, d0) => (n(), h(U, null, [
e(o)() ? (n(), d(T, {
key: 0,
to: B.value,
class: "th-checkout__back-btn",
plain: "",
tag: "router-link"
}, {
default: u(() => [
r(O, { size: 7 }),
E(" " + V(M.value), 1)
_: 1
}, 8, ["to"])) : f("", !0),
(n(), d(R(e(y)(e(c)).value ? "RouterLink" : "div"), {
to: { name: e(m) },
class: "th-checkout__link"
}, {
default: u(() => [
r(p, {
active: e(C)(e(c)).value,
prev: e(y)(e(c)).value,
title: e(s)("checkout.personalDetails"),
class: "th-checkout-step_checkout"
}, {
default: u(() => [
_: 1
}, 8, ["active", "prev", "title"])
_: 1
}, 8, ["to"])),
e(i)(e(c)).value ? (n(), d(R(e(_0)(e(c)).value ? "RouterLink" : "div"), {
key: 1,
to: { name: e(v) },
class: "th-checkout__link"
}, {
default: u(() => [
r(p, {
active: e(x)(e(c)).value,
prev: e(_)(e(c)).value,
title: e(s)("checkout.upgrades"),
class: "th-checkout-step_upgrades"
}, {
default: u(() => [
_: 1
}, 8, ["active", "prev", "title"])
_: 1
}, 8, ["to"])) : f("", !0),
r(p, {
active: e(_)(e(c)).value,
title: e(s)("checkout.payment"),
class: "th-checkout-step_payment"
}, {
default: u(() => [
_: 1
}, 8, ["active", "title"]),
e(i)(e(c)).value ? f("", !0) : (n(), d(p, {
key: 2,
title: e(s)(""),
class: "th-checkout-step_tickets"
}, {
default: u(() => [
_: 1
}, 8, ["title"]))
], 64));
export {
m as C,
i0 as P,
v as U,
k0 as _,

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