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YourToken - ERC20 Contract Implementation

Interface: ERC20

This is a Solidity smart contract implementing an ERC-20 token named "YOUR token" with extended functionalities. The contract incorporates features such as minting, burning, access control, and pausability. The code is designed to be compatible with OpenZeppelin's ERC-20 implementation and extends it with additional capabilities.

Public Deployment Information


ERC-20 Compliance

The contract adheres to the ERC-20 standard, ensuring compatibility with various decentralized applications (DApps) and platforms.

Access Control

Access control is implemented through the use of OpenZeppelin's AccessControl contract. Three roles are defined: DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, PAUSER_ROLE, and MINTER_ROLE. These roles are assigned to specific addresses during the contract deployment.

DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE: The default admin role responsible for managing the contract. PAUSER_ROLE: Allows an address to pause and unpause token transfers. MINTER_ROLE: Permits an address to mint new tokens.

Pausable Functionality

The contract provides a pausability mechanism, allowing the pausing and unpausing of token transfers. Only an address with the PAUSER_ROLE is authorized to invoke these functions.

pause(): Pauses token transfers. unpause(): Unpauses token transfers.


The contract supports the creation of new tokens through minting. Only an address with the MINTER_ROLE is authorized to mint new tokens.

mint(address to, uint256 amount): Mints a specified amount of tokens and assigns them to the provided address. Initial Supply The contract initializes with an initial supply of 1,000,000,000 tokens, minted to the initialOwner address.


  1. Installing Node.js

  2. Installing Hardhat and other dependency using this command npm install

  3. Create a new file .env and fill in all the valid details on the environment variables.

Example: Refer .env.example

Verify the env and hardhat config against network

Test & Local Deployment (Local Environment)

  1. Compile the source code and to generate ABIs npx hardhat compile

  2. Run Test npx hardhat test

  3. Deploy on local environment npx hardhat run deploy/YourToken.js


During deployment, you need to provide two addresses:

defaultAdmin: The default admin for the contract, assigned the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE. initialOwner: The initial owner who receives the initial token supply. Make sure that neither initialOwner nor defaultAdmin is set to the zero address.

Testnet Sepolia Deployment Commands (Testing Environment)

  1. Compile the source code and to generate ABIs npx hardhat compile

  2. Deploy on testing network - sepolia npx hardhat run deploy/YourToken.js --network sepolia

  3. Verify Contract Sepolia <Fill in Contract Address & Constructor parameters> npx hardhat verify --network sepolia 0x2d3a304C3457b0e4cAFc37c0A9673Ca14ddfD4f6 0x197ea9653cb1ead5de3077bc41659f99c8b8ec50 0x197ea9653cb1ead5de3077bc41659f99c8b8ec50

Mainnet Ethereum Deployment Commands (Production)

  1. Compile the source code and to generate ABIs npx hardhat compile

  2. Deploy on main network - sepolia npx hardhat run deploy/YourToken.js --network ethereum

  3. Verify Contract Ethereum <Fill in Contract Address & Constructor parameters> npx hardhat verify --network ethereum 0x7a538baf0e33817281eb543717ec9f847a00cf2c 0x3Ec5faF545030cdE1f3D887F876061e0B0Ffa1a0 0x3Ec5faF545030cdE1f3D887F876061e0B0Ffa1a0

Extra Comments:

  1. To create new project npx hardhat

  2. To cleanup, use this command npx hardhat clean

  3. To reset hardhat testing node, use this command npx hardhat node - restart nodes and reset account nonce (if a Tx get stuck)

Used Libraries

  1. Hardhat

  2. Openzepplin


This contract is licensed under the MIT License (SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT), allowing for flexibility in use and modification.

Feel free to customize and deploy this contract for your specific use case, adhering to the terms of the MIT License.


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