Libraries used: Pandas
Unit 5.2: JSON exercise
You can find the dataset @world_bank_projects.json and the questions/instructions @sliderule_dsi_json_exercise.ipynb
My solution was updated @sliderule_dsi_json_solution.ipynb
Data Wrangling
Using data in file 'data/world_bank_projects.json' and the techniques demonstrated above,
- Find the 10 countries with most projects
- Find the top 10 major project themes (using column 'mjtheme_namecode')
- In 2. above you will notice that some entries have only the code and the name is missing. Create a dataframe with the missing names filled in.
1.1 Load the Json file into a Pandas DataFrame
1.2 Select relevent columns from the DataFrame
1.3 Use value_counts to answer the question
2.1 Load the column 'mjtheme_namecode' into a Pandas Series
2.2 Create an empty DataFrame that will contain each row of the Pandas Series
2.3 Use value_counts to answer the question
3.1 Create two separate Pandas DataFrames (one for the missing data and one for the non-missing data)