Loads data located at ./src/data/
folder of your site.
This plugin requires Spress >= 2.0. If you are using Spress 1.x, go to 1.0.0 version of the plugin.
Go to your site folder and input the following command:
$ spress add:plugin yosymfony/spress-plugin-dataloader
Go to your Spress site an create ./src/data
folder. In this folder you can to create
JSON, YAML, Markdown or Textfiles that will be available in site.data.<yourFilenameWithoutExtension>
Example with an users array and a Json file:
|- blogUsers.json
Example with an users array and a Yaml file (the extension yaml
is valid too):
|- blogUsers.yml
For markdown files the extension md
or markdown
are valid.
Text file extensions are txt
or text
Markdown and text files are available as string.
Access to this data in Twig templates:
{% for theme in site.data.blogUsers %}
{% endfor %}