This is the repository for the manuscript:
Ram, Y. and Hadany, L. 2014. Stress-induced mutagenesis anc complex adaptation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 281: 20141025. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2014.1025 | arXiv | bioRxiv
The relevant simulated dataset is deposited on dryad:
Ram Y., Hadany L. (2014) Data from: Stress-induced mutagenesis and complex adaptation. Dryad Digital Repository. DOI: 10.5061/dryad.3066j.
Figures were produced with Python, numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pandas, scikits-bootstrap, statsmodels, and mpltools packages. The code is available as an IPython (Jupyter) notebook. The notebook includes the analytic approximations as Python functions and uses the simulated data, which is necessary for Figures 2, 3, S1, S2, and F1.
All code in this repo is licensed under the CC-BY-SA 4.0 licence.
The data used for the publication is deposited on dryad under a CC0 license.
The licenses of the versions of the manuscript published by Proceedings B and posted to arXiv and bioRxiv appear on the respective websites.