In this project experimented with various Reinforcement Learning Approximate method techniques namely value Approximate Q-learning, Episode semi-gradient SARSA and True online SARSA. This is part of Pacman projects developed at UC Berkeley.
-- ML_approximate_method - : It contains Q-learning, approximate Q-learning, Epsode semi-gradient SARSA and True online SARSA classes - : This file contains training and test control.
-- Analysis - Analysis.ipynb : This file analizes different algorithm with Pacman scores and execution time.
Executing each algorithm :
- Above command line execute ApproximateQAgent, 50 times training and 10 times testing. Using environment is mediumGrid.
- Approximate Q-leanring algorithm => ApproximateQAgent
- Episode semi-gradient SARSA algorithm => SemiGradientSarsaAgent
- True online SARSA algorithm => TrueOnlineSarsaAgent
- smallGrid
- mediumGrid
- mediumClassic
Running Analysis.ipynb : Put the Q-learning, Episode semi-gradient SARSA and True online SARSA algorithm result files in the same directory with the program.
- Output directory has output file.
Yeonjung LEE