A cross-platform chat system with GUI, real-time multilingual translation, and face recognition authentication.
Creators are Carol Long (@ql816
), Amanda Huang (@Oysters1874
) and me (Yijian Liu @yjl450
The original chat system belongs to NYUSH Computer Science department.
Install by pip3 install pyqt5
Face Recognition Authentication
face_recognition for registering faces and logging in with faces.
Install by pip3 install face_recognition
(CMake and Dlib needed)
opencv-python for displaying webcam image.
Installation varies according to operating system
Real-time Multilingual Translation
langdetect for detecting the language of the imcoming messages.
Install by pip3 install langdetect
Baidu Translation API for auto translation.
In terminal, enter python log_in.py
to launch our chat system.
Before logging in, register your face with an image containing a clear face of yours and your username.
You'll then be able to see the chat interface.
First, click "Connect" to connect to a peer. All your peers will be shown in a new window. Once you successfully connect to a peer, you can start chatting.
During chatting, if you want to translate the message into another language, click "Translate" after choosing which language you want to see. An indicating message will be shown.
When not chatting, you can see the system time by clicking "Time" or search message history by clicking "History". If there are too many messages in the display, click "Clear" to remove them from screen.
If you want to leave, simply close the chat window. You'll be able to log in directly with your face next time.