What was the objective: Create a High available docker environment Nginx as the load balancer- set verbose access_log Appache as the web servers X2 Develop solution on Vagrant ubuntu 16 server
What I did:
Using Vagrant 2.2.2 Python 3.7.5 -
Running the project - start virtualenv and install requirements copy Vagrantfile copy playbook.yml
Run Vagrant up
Script flow:
- Define ubuntu 16 xenial64
- Port forward guest 80 host 8080
- Provision using Ansible
- Use playbook.yml
- Install packages and Docker requirements
- Create project directories in usr - [nginx , web1 , web2]
Get nginx files:
- Get Dockerfile
- default.conf file
- nginx.conf file
Get Appache files [web1 , web2]:
- Dockerfile
- Index.html
Create docker network with custom IPAM Build images from dockerfiles [nginx , web1 , web2]
run the containers:
Start the nginx container on 80:80 ports, connect to docker network and run a HealthCheck (the configuration files are copied via dockerfile COPY command)
Extended access_log log_format
Start appache containers (index.html is copied via dockerfile COPY command)