These are some of the tests which I was able to find through some digging on the Internet and with the help of some other people. I cannot guarantee that all the answers are right since most of them are answered by me. I will soon upload some other solutions (not from me) which might be correct. Some files might have a TODO comment which specifies my insecurities about my answer. Feel free to open an Issue at any time if you believe something is wrong (and please explain). Better yet, if you think you have a better solution you can always share it. I also attached the exam as a PDF type for each folder. Only 2011 is attached as JPG images as the PDF was not found.
Now included on these collections are the Exam Tools shared by Maxim and the solutions shared by both Maxim and Niels. These are located inside each folder, in a folder called Solutions. Inside you will find the solution by each party.
An Index/"Table of Contents" is available at the first page by the name "Overview of all exams with their exercises" in both .txt, .docx and .PDF , provided by Isabel.
-- Joni