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Yii3 development environment

This repo contains tools to set up a development environment for Yii3 packages. It allows working on separate packages and test the result in other packages at the same time. Could be used for third party packages as well.


Manual install

If you prefer manual install, you need:


If you prefer Vagrant, you only need to install Vagrant and VirtualBox, because our Vagrant environment already contains Ubuntu, PHP and Composer. See our Vagrant documentation for details.


If you prefer Docker, you only need to install Docker.

See our Docker documentation for details.

Manual install

git clone
cd yii-dev-tool
composer install
./yii-dev install

The above command will clone all Yii3 packages and run composer install in them. You may select packages by providing a second argument:

./yii-dev install di,rbac,yii-cycle,view

Note: In case you are using PhpStorm, run ide command once to configure the project directories for installed packages to avoid infinite indexing cycle.


To upgrade yii-dev-tool to the latest version, run the following commands:

cd yii-dev-tool
git pull
composer update


To customize the configuration of yii-dev-tool, create your local configuration packages.local.php using file packages.local.php.example as example. In this file you will find examples of all available configuration options.

Some commands such as github/protect-branch, github/settings, release/make require a GitHub auth token. Therefore, you need to create a personal access token on GitHub. Then save it in config/github.token file.

Usage example


Suppose we want to work on three interdependent packages:

  • yiisoft/demo
  • yiisoft/view
  • yiisoft/i18n

Package demo depends on package view, and package view depends on package i18n.

Suppose we want to add new features to package i18n, and then use them in package view. After that, we will need to run the tests in package demo and make sure that everything works correctly.

Step 1: create forks

Go to the page of each repository and click the "Fork" button:

Suppose my nickname on Github is "samdark". Then I will get three forks:

  • samdark/demo
  • samdark/view
  • samdark/i18n

For your nickname you will get other fork names.

Step 2: install yii-dev-tool

Now install yii-dev-tool:

git clone
cd yii-dev-tool
composer install

Step 3: configure yii-dev-tool to use forks

In order for yii-dev-tool to use our forks, they must be configured.

It is possible to specify the owner for all packages in the owner-packages.php file

return 'samdark';

Or create your configuration:

cd yii-dev-tool
cp packages.local.php.example packages.local.php

Specify the forks in config packages.local.php:

$packages = [
    'demo' => 'samdark/demo',
    'view' => 'samdark/view',
    'i18n' => 'samdark/i18n',

See example.

Step 4: install packages

In order to work with Github via SSH, you have to add your public SSH key to Github account. Add key if you have not done it before.

Now install the packages:

cd yii-dev-tool
./yii-dev install demo,view,i18n

This command clones the fork repositories from GitHub to the local directory yii-dev-tool/dev/, sets upstream for them and executes composer install in each package. Then symlinks will be created:

  • yii-dev-tool/dev/demo/vendor/yiisoft/view -> yii-dev-tool/dev/view
  • yii-dev-tool/dev/view/vendor/yiisoft/i18n -> yii-dev-tool/dev/i18n

Due to these symlinks, changes in packages will immediately affect the operation of packages that depend on them. It is very convenient for development.

Step 5: create a git branch for work

Create a new feature-x branch in the repositories:

cd yii-dev-tool
./yii-dev git/checkout feature-x demo,view,i18n

Step 6: writing the code

Now make the necessary changes to the code of package i18n in folder yii-dev-tool/dev/i18n. Next, make changes to the code of package view in folder yii-dev-tool/dev/view. And, finally, change package demo in folder yii-dev-tool/dev/demo.

Step 7: run the tests

Make sure the tests pass. For instance, package view tests can be run with the following command:

cd yii-dev-tool/dev/view

Step 8: commit and push the changes to the fork repositories

Commit the changes:

cd yii-dev-tool
./yii-dev git/commit "Add feature X" demo,view,i18n

Push the new code to remote repositories:

cd yii-dev-tool
./yii-dev git/push demo,view,i18n

Step 9: create pull requests

Go to the pages of the original repositories and create a PR in each:

Note: Don't create PR from master directly, instead create a new branch.

Final notes

That's all. We developed new functionality and submitted it for review 🙂 Of course, the steps will be slightly different for different tasks and configurations.

Remember that yii-dev-tool contains many other commands:

Command Aliases Description
changelog/add Adds a changelog entry into into under development section.
exec e Executes the specified console command in each package.
composer/update cu Update composer dependencies in packages.
git/checkout checkout Creates, if not exists, and checkout a git branch.
git/clone clone Package repositories cloning.
git/commit commit Add and commit changes into each package repository.
git/pull pull Pull changes from package repositories.
git/push push Push changes into package repositories.
git/status status, s Show git status of packages.
git/pr/create pr Create a pull request at GitHub.
github/forks forks Create forks of repositories
github/sync sync Sync forks from upstream repositories
github/settings - Change settings of a GitHub repository.
list l List enabled packages.
install i Clone packages repositories and install composer dependencies.
update u Pull changes from packages repositories and update composer dependencies.
lint - Check packages according to PSR-12 standard.
release/make - Make a package release.
replicate/files - Copy files specified in config/replicate/files.php into each package.
replicate/composer-config - Merge config/replicate/composer.json into composer.json of each package.
replicate/copy-file - Copy file into each package.
test t Test packages.
enable - Enable packages.
disable - Disable packages.
switch - Enable specified packages and disable others.

If you encounter any problems, create an issue – and we'll try to help you.