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arogachev committed Nov 21, 2024
2 parents 6850854 + 9e7ca32 commit 7d72e82
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Showing 22 changed files with 195 additions and 210 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,13 +10,15 @@
- Enh #312: Refactor `bit` type (@Tigrov)
- Enh #315: Refactor PHP type of `ColumnSchemaInterface` instances (@Tigrov)
- Enh #317: Raise minimum PHP version to `^8.1` with minor refactoring (@Tigrov)
- New #316: Implement `ColumnFactory` class (@Tigrov)
- New #316, #327: Implement `ColumnFactory` class (@Tigrov)
- Enh #319: Separate column type constants (@Tigrov)
- New #320: Realize `ColumnBuilder` class (@Tigrov)
- Enh #321: Update according changes in `ColumnSchemaInterface` (@Tigrov)
- New #322: Add `ColumnDefinitionBuilder` class (@Tigrov)
- New #322, #330: Add `ColumnDefinitionBuilder` class (@Tigrov)
- Enh #323: Refactor `Dsn` class (@Tigrov)
- Enh #324: Use constructor to create columns and initialize properties (@Tigrov)
- Enh #327: Refactor `Schema::findColumns()` method (@Tigrov)
- Enh #328: Refactor `Schema::normalizeDefaultValue()` method and move it to `ColumnFactory` class (@Tigrov)

## 1.2.0 March 21, 2024

Expand Down
24 changes: 17 additions & 7 deletions src/Column/ColumnDefinitionBuilder.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,11 +51,13 @@ public function build(ColumnSchemaInterface $column): string

protected function getDbType(ColumnSchemaInterface $column): string
$size = $column->getSize();

/** @psalm-suppress DocblockTypeContradiction */
return match ($column->getType()) {
$dbType = $column->getDbType() ?? match ($column->getType()) {
ColumnType::BOOLEAN => 'bit',
ColumnType::BIT => match (true) {
($size = $column->getSize()) === null => 'bigint',
$size === null => 'bigint',
$size === 1 => 'bit',
$size <= 8 => 'tinyint',
$size <= 16 => 'smallint',
Expand All @@ -72,18 +74,26 @@ protected function getDbType(ColumnSchemaInterface $column): string
ColumnType::DECIMAL => 'decimal',
ColumnType::MONEY => 'money',
ColumnType::CHAR => 'nchar',
ColumnType::STRING => 'nvarchar',
ColumnType::STRING => 'nvarchar(' . (($size ?? '255') ?: 'max') . ')',
ColumnType::TEXT => 'nvarchar(max)',
ColumnType::BINARY => 'varbinary(max)',
ColumnType::UUID => 'uniqueidentifier',
ColumnType::DATETIME => 'datetime2',
ColumnType::TIMESTAMP => 'datetime2',
ColumnType::DATE => 'date',
ColumnType::TIME => 'time',
ColumnType::ARRAY => 'json',
ColumnType::STRUCTURED => 'json',
ColumnType::JSON => 'json',
default => 'varchar',
ColumnType::ARRAY => 'nvarchar(max)',
ColumnType::STRUCTURED => 'nvarchar(max)',
ColumnType::JSON => 'nvarchar(max)',
default => 'nvarchar',

return match ($dbType) {
'timestamp' => 'datetime2',
'varchar' => 'varchar(' . ($size ?: 'max') . ')',
'nvarchar' => 'nvarchar(' . ($size ?: 'max') . ')',
'varbinary' => 'varbinary(' . ($size ?: 'max') . ')',
default => $dbType,
31 changes: 12 additions & 19 deletions src/Column/ColumnFactory.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,16 +9,16 @@
use Yiisoft\Db\Expression\Expression;
use Yiisoft\Db\Schema\Column\AbstractColumnFactory;
use Yiisoft\Db\Schema\Column\ColumnSchemaInterface;
use Yiisoft\Db\Schema\Column\StringColumnSchema;

final class ColumnFactory extends AbstractColumnFactory
* Mapping from physical column types (keys) to abstract column types (values).
* @var string[]
* @psalm-var array<string, ColumnType::*>
private const TYPE_MAP = [
protected const TYPE_MAP = [
/** Exact numbers */
'bit' => ColumnType::BOOLEAN,
'tinyint' => ColumnType::TINYINT,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,37 +69,30 @@ final class ColumnFactory extends AbstractColumnFactory
'table' => ColumnType::STRING,

protected function getType(string $dbType, array $info = []): string
return self::TYPE_MAP[$dbType] ?? ColumnType::STRING;

public function fromPseudoType(string $pseudoType, array $info = []): ColumnSchemaInterface
if ($pseudoType === PseudoType::UUID_PK_SEQ) {
$info['primaryKey'] = true;
$info['autoIncrement'] = true;
if ($pseudoType === PseudoType::UUID_PK_SEQ && !isset($info['defaultValue'])) {
$info['defaultValue'] = new Expression('newsequentialid()');

return new StringColumnSchema(ColumnType::UUID, ...$info);

return parent::fromPseudoType($pseudoType, $info);

public function fromType(string $type, array $info = []): ColumnSchemaInterface
protected function getColumnClass(string $type, array $info = []): string
if ($type === ColumnType::BINARY) {
return new BinaryColumnSchema($type, ...$info);
return BinaryColumnSchema::class;

return parent::fromType($type, $info);
return parent::getColumnClass($type, $info);

protected function isDbType(string $dbType): bool
protected function normalizeNotNullDefaultValue(string $defaultValue, ColumnSchemaInterface $column): mixed
return isset(self::TYPE_MAP[$dbType]);
if ($defaultValue[0] === '(' && $defaultValue[-1] === ')') {
$defaultValue = substr($defaultValue, 1, -1);

return parent::normalizeNotNullDefaultValue($defaultValue, $column);
153 changes: 51 additions & 102 deletions src/Schema.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,27 +21,29 @@
use Yiisoft\Db\Schema\TableSchemaInterface;

use function array_change_key_case;
use function array_fill_keys;
use function array_map;
use function is_array;
use function md5;
use function preg_match;
use function serialize;
use function str_replace;
use function strcasecmp;

* Implements the MSSQL Server specific schema, supporting MSSQL Server 2017 and above.
* @psalm-type ColumnArray = array{
* column_name: string,
* column_default: string|null,
* is_nullable: string,
* data_type: string,
* column_default: string|null,
* size: int|string|null,
* numeric_scale: int|string|null,
* is_identity: string,
* is_computed: string,
* comment: null|string,
* size?: int,
* scale?: int,
* comment: string|null,
* primaryKey: bool,
* schema: string|null,
* table: string
* }
* @psalm-type ConstraintArray = array<
* array-key,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -366,47 +368,19 @@ protected function loadTableDefaultValues(string $tableName): array
private function loadColumnSchema(array $info): ColumnSchemaInterface
$columnFactory = $this->getColumnFactory();

$dbType = $info['data_type'];
/** @psalm-var ColumnArray $info */
$column = $columnFactory->fromDefinition($dbType);
/** @psalm-suppress DeprecatedMethod */
$column->notNull($info['is_nullable'] !== 'YES');
$column->autoIncrement($info['is_identity'] === '1');
$column->computed($info['is_computed'] === '1');
$column->comment($info['comment'] ?? '');
$column->defaultValue($this->normalizeDefaultValue($info['column_default'], $column));

return $column;

* Converts column's default value according to {@see ColumnSchema::phpType} after retrieval from the database.
* @param string|null $defaultValue The default value retrieved from the database.
* @param ColumnSchemaInterface $column The column schema object.
* @return mixed The normalized default value.
private function normalizeDefaultValue(string|null $defaultValue, ColumnSchemaInterface $column): mixed
if (
$defaultValue === null
|| $defaultValue === '(NULL)'
|| $column->isPrimaryKey()
|| $column->isComputed()
) {
return null;

$value = $this->parseDefaultValue($defaultValue);

return is_numeric($value)
? $column->phpTypeCast($value)
: $value;
return $this->getColumnFactory()->fromDbType($info['data_type'], [
'autoIncrement' => $info['is_identity'] === '1',
'comment' => $info['comment'],
'computed' => $info['is_computed'] === '1',
'defaultValueRaw' => $info['column_default'],
'name' => $info['column_name'],
'notNull' => $info['is_nullable'] !== 'YES',
'primaryKey' => $info['primaryKey'],
'scale' => $info['numeric_scale'] !== null ? (int) $info['numeric_scale'] : null,
'schema' => $info['schema'],
'size' => $info['size'] !== null ? (int) $info['size'] : null,
'table' => $info['table'],

Expand All @@ -420,61 +394,46 @@ private function normalizeDefaultValue(string|null $defaultValue, ColumnSchemaIn
protected function findColumns(TableSchemaInterface $table): bool
$schemaName = $table->getSchemaName();
$tableName = $table->getName();

$whereParams = [':table_name' => $table->getName()];
$columnsTableName = '[INFORMATION_SCHEMA].[COLUMNS]';
$whereSql = '[t1].[table_name] = :table_name';
$whereParams = [':table_name' => $tableName];

if ($table->getCatalogName() !== null) {
$columnsTableName = "{$table->getCatalogName()}.$columnsTableName";
$columnsTableName = "[{$table->getCatalogName()}].$columnsTableName";
$whereSql .= ' AND [t1].[table_catalog] = :catalog';
$whereParams[':catalog'] = $table->getCatalogName();

if ($table->getSchemaName() !== null) {
$whereSql .= " AND [t1].[table_schema] = '{$table->getSchemaName()}'";
if ($schemaName !== null) {
$whereSql .= ' AND [t1].[table_schema] = :schema_name';
$whereParams[':schema_name'] = $schemaName;

$columnsTableName = $this->db->getQuoter()->quoteTableName($columnsTableName);

$sql = <<<SQL
CASE WHEN [t1].[data_type] IN ('char','varchar','nchar','nvarchar','binary','varbinary') THEN
CASE WHEN [t1].[character_maximum_length] = NULL OR [t1].[character_maximum_length] = -1 THEN
[t1].[data_type] + '(' + LTRIM(RTRIM(CONVERT(CHAR,[t1].[character_maximum_length]))) + ')'
WHEN [t1].[data_type] IN ('decimal','numeric') THEN
CASE WHEN [t1].[numeric_precision] = NULL OR [t1].[numeric_precision] = -1 THEN
[t1].[data_type] + '(' + LTRIM(RTRIM(CONVERT(CHAR,[t1].[numeric_precision]))) + ',' + LTRIM(RTRIM(CONVERT(CHAR,[t1].[numeric_scale]))) + ')'
END AS 'data_type',
COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID([t1].[table_schema] + '.' + [t1].[table_name]), [t1].[column_name], 'IsIdentity') AS is_identity,
COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID([t1].[table_schema] + '.' + [t1].[table_name]), [t1].[column_name], 'IsComputed') AS is_computed,
FROM [sys].[extended_properties] AS [t2]
[t2].[class] = 1 AND
[t2].[class_desc] = 'OBJECT_OR_COLUMN' AND
[t2].[name] = 'MS_Description' AND
[t2].[major_id] = OBJECT_ID([t1].[TABLE_SCHEMA] + '.' + [t1].[table_name]) AND
[t2].[minor_id] = COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID([t1].[TABLE_SCHEMA] + '.' + [t1].[TABLE_NAME]), [t1].[COLUMN_NAME], 'ColumnID')
) as comment
COALESCE(NULLIF([t1].[character_maximum_length], -1), [t1].[numeric_precision], [t1].[datetime_precision]) AS [size],
COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID([t1].[table_schema] + '.' + [t1].[table_name]), [t1].[column_name], 'IsIdentity') AS [is_identity],
COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID([t1].[table_schema] + '.' + [t1].[table_name]), [t1].[column_name], 'IsComputed') AS [is_computed],
[t2].[value] as [comment]
FROM $columnsTableName AS [t1]
LEFT JOIN [sys].[extended_properties] AS [t2]
ON [t2].[class] = 1
AND [t2].[class_desc] = 'OBJECT_OR_COLUMN'
AND [t2].[name] = 'MS_Description'
AND [t2].[major_id] = OBJECT_ID([t1].[table_schema] + '.' + [t1].[table_name])
AND [t2].[minor_id] = COLUMNPROPERTY([t2].[major_id], [t1].[column_name], 'ColumnID')
WHERE $whereSql

try {
/** @psalm-var ColumnArray[] $columns */
$columns = $this->db->createCommand($sql, $whereParams)->queryAll();

if (empty($columns)) {
Expand All @@ -484,14 +443,17 @@ protected function findColumns(TableSchemaInterface $table): bool
return false;

$primaryKeys = array_fill_keys($table->getPrimaryKey(), true);

foreach ($columns as $info) {
$info = array_change_key_case($info);

/** @psalm-var ColumnArray $info */
$info['primaryKey'] = isset($primaryKeys[$info['column_name']]);
$info['schema'] = $schemaName;
$info['table'] = $tableName;

$column = $this->loadColumnSchema($info);
foreach ($table->getPrimaryKey() as $primaryKey) {
if (strcasecmp($info['column_name'], $primaryKey) === 0) {

if ($column->isPrimaryKey() && $column->isAutoIncrement()) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -836,17 +798,4 @@ protected function getCacheTag(): string
return md5(serialize([self::class, ...$this->generateCacheKey()]));

private function parseDefaultValue(string $value): string
if (preg_match('/^\'(.*)\'$/', $value, $matches)) {
return $matches[1];

if (preg_match('/^\((.*)\)$/', $value, $matches)) {
return $this->parseDefaultValue($matches[1]);

return $value;

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