Detail informaion can be browsed on my Medium.
Classes:manhole, handhole
code of format coversion: link
Modify a yaml file for the classes of the custom dataset in yolov7-mask/data/
give images and labels path and classes.
python segment/ --data ./data/data.yaml --batch 16 --weights ./runs/train-seg/yolov7-seg/weights/ --cfg yolov7-seg.yaml --epochs 100 --name yolov7-seg --img 640 --hyp hyp.scratch-high.yaml
python segment/ --weights ./runs/train-seg/yolov7-seg2/weights/ --source /content/drive/MyDrive/final_hole/images/val/170727_020736227_Camera_4.jpg --iou-thres 0.5 --conf-thres 0.6
python segment/ --weights ./runs/train-seg/yolov7-seg2/weights/ --data ./data/data.yaml --iou-thres 0.5 --conf-thres 0.6