Clojure(script) schema for Experience API 1.0.3. Provides validation of Statements and other xAPI objects.
You can use xapi-schema to validate (and generate) statements in real-time with this demo.
- Add to your project dependencies:
[[com.yetanalytics/xapi-schema "1.3.0"]]
- Require in your project:
(ns your-project.core (:require [xapi-schema.core :as xs]))
(def statement
{"id" "fd41c918-b88b-4b20-a0a5-a4c32391aaa0"
"actor" {"objectType" "Agent"
"name" "Project Tin Can API"
"mbox" "mailto:[email protected]"}
"verb" {"id" "",
"display" {"en-US" "sent"}}
"object" {"id" "",
{"name" {"en-US" "simple statement"}
{"en-US" "A simple Experience API statement. Note that the LRS
does not need to have any prior information about the Actor (learner), the
verb, or the Activity/object."}}}})
(xs/validate-statement-data statement) ;; => returns the statement
(xs/validate-statement-data [stmt1 stmt2 stmt3]) ;; => returns the statements
(let [bad-statement (dissoc statement "actor")]
(xs/validate-statement-data bad-statement)) ;; => throws ExceptionInfo
(let [json-statement (clj->js statement)]
(xs/validate-statement-data-js json-statement)) ;; => returns the statement
(def statement-str
\"definition\":{\"name\":{\"en-US\":\"simple statement\"},\"description\":
{\"en-US\":\"A simple Experience API statement. Note that the LRS\\n
does not need to have any prior information about the Actor (learner), the\\n
verb, or the Activity/object.\"}}},\"verb\":{\"id\":\"
b88b-4b20-a0a5-a4c32391aaa0\",\"actor\":{\"mbox\":\"mailto:[email protected]\"
,\"name\":\"Project Tin Can API\",\"objectType\":\"Agent\"}}")
(xs/validate-statement-data statement-str) ;; => returns statement edn
Checking a statement will return nil if it is valid, or a map of errors.
(xs/statement-checker statement) ;; => nil
(let [bad-statement (-> statement
(dissoc "actor")
(assoc "id" 123)]
(xs/statement-checker bad-statement)))
;; => {:cljs.spec.alpha/problems (...
All of the subschemata in xapi-schema.spec
are valid Clojure Specs:
(ns your-project.core
(:require [xapi-schema.core :as xs]
[xapi-schema.spec :as json]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))
(s/explain-data ::json/agent {"mbox" "mailto:[email protected]"}) ;; => nil
You can use spec’s generation functions to generate conformant statements containing random data:
- Include the
dependency:[[com.yetanalytics/xapi-schema "1.0.0-alpha2"] [org.clojure/test.check "0.10.0-alpha2"]]
- Include the extra namespaces and generate!
(ns your-project.core (:require [xapi-schema.spec :as xapispec] [clojure.spec.alpha :as s :include-macros true] [clojure.spec.gen.alpha :as sgen :include-macros true] clojure.test.check.generators)) (sgen/generate (s/gen ::xapispec/statement)) ;; => {"actor" {...
If you want to use validations from JavaScript, first build the js:
$ lein do cljx, cljsbuild once release
. Then include the generated file,
and invoke:
var statement_str = '{"id":"fd41c918-b88b-4b20-a0a5-a4c32391aaa0", "actor":{"objectType": "Agent","name":"Project Tin Can API","mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"},"verb":{"id":"","display":{ "en-US":"sent" }},"object":{"id":"","definition":{"name":{ "en-US":"simple statement" },"description":{ "en-US":"A simple Experience API statement. Note that the LRS does not need to have any prior information about the Actor (learner), the verb, or the Activity/object." }}}}';
var statement_json = JSON.parse(s);
xapi_schema.core.validate_statement_data_js(statement_str); // => statement JSON
xapi_schema.core.validate_statement_data_js(statement_json); // => statement JSON
$ make test-clj
$ make test-cljs
$ make ci
Copyright © 2015-2024 Yet Analytics, Inc.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure. See the file LICENSE for details.