Boom Summary Panel for Grafana. Transform table data into summary.
Step 1 : Click "add summary group" button
Step 2 : Choose metric / stat
Step 3 (Optional): Choose Template format
Step 4 (Optional): Apply filter to the data
Step 5 (Optional): Apply conditional formats
Step 6 (Optional): Add more stats within the same data / same summary group
Step 7 (Optional): Add more stats with differnt data set / new summary groups using "Add Summary Group" button
You can use templates with the type of plain text, HTML, HTML with styles tags. Following templates are available
Template Type | Detail |
Auto Template | Automatically generates title and value from stats |
Jumbo Stat | Title and Value of the first stat in bigger size |
Jumbo stat w/o title | Value of the first stat in bigger size |
Value only | Value of the first stat in regular size |
Custom template | Define your own template |
You can use tokens to represent computed data, dynamic icons, images etc.
Token | value |
#{title} |
Title of the first stat |
#{default} |
Value of the first stat with units and decimals |
#{statType,fieldName} |
Stat of the given field with units. StatType can be sum ,min ,max ,mean ,count ,uniquecount ,random . Example : #{count,VM_Name} will represent count of values for the column VM_Name . Units/decimals will be available only if the stat is defined. |
#{statType,fieldName,raw} |
Same as above but without unit. This can be useful when constructing URLs, Dynamic Icons, Images |
#{statType,fieldName,title} |
Title of the given stat if defined |
Optionally table rows can be filtered using the Filters
option. If more than one filter specified, rows will be considered only if all the conditions satisified.
Above settings give count of machines whose powerstat is not "VM Running"
Optionally you can format the output using multiple conditions.
Above settings shows two different thresholds set. If none of the condition match, default settings (bgcolor, textcolor) will be applied.
Text compare operators
Numeric compare operators
You can set the default Background color, text color, select template, set width of the template etc with these options.
If you need the summary panel to repeat for multiple values, you can use this option to repeat panel. With this approach, you don't need multiple queries. With a single query, you can group rows by specific column. More details available here.
Output templates can have font awesome icons. Refer here
Samples : #{fa-arrow-up}
, #{fa-arrow-down,red}
, #{fa-circle,yellow,3,plus,2}
, #{fa-circle,yellow,${uniquecount_raw},multiply,1.5}
, #{fa-circle,yellow,${uniquecount_raw},min,${sum_raw}}
Usage info : #{fa-circle,yellow,5,multiply,1.25}
will repeat yellow circle icon 6 times i.e., ( Math.round(5*1.25) )
TOKEN 0 : Icon Name Refer Font Awesome official page
TOKEN 1 : Color of the icon
TOKEN 2 : Repeat count
TOKEN 3 : Repeat count operator. Needs token 2 and 4. Valid operators are plus
, minus
, multiply
, divideby
, min
, max
and mean
TOKEN 4 : Repat count value 2.
- Font awesome token needs to surrounded by whitespace.
- IMPORTANT : Use raw values when repeating icons using calculations.