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kosta edited this page Nov 25, 2012 · 2 revisions

Compass is very helpful for navigating the maze of browser incompatibility and verbosity of CSS. We have it integrated into our yesod build process. Note that this guide is not the cleanest in the world. For compass usage, refer to

To do this, we modify Setup.hs a bit:

#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
module Main where
import Distribution.Simple
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
import Distribution.Simple.Setup
import Distribution.PackageDescription
import System.Process (runCommand,  waitForProcess )

main :: IO ()
main = defaultMainWithHooks $ simpleUserHooks 
         { preBuild = genCompass }

runPostConf :: Args -> ConfigFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO ()
runPostConf _ _ _ _ = return () 

genCompass :: Args -> BuildFlags -> IO HookedBuildInfo
genCompass _ _ = do
  putStrLn "Running Compass"
  waitForProcess =<< runCommand "compass compile compass"
  return emptyHookedBuildInfo

Set our XXX.cabal file to use a custom build process:

build-type:        Custom

Then we create a compass/config.rb file:

#Delineate the directory for our SASS/SCSS files (this directory)
sass_path = "compass" #  File.dirname(.);

print "sasspath = #{sass_path} \n"
css_path = File.join(sass_path, "..", "static", "autogen")

# Delinate the images directory
images_dir = File.join("img")
print "images dir: #{images_dir} \n"

# Specify the output style/environment
#output_style = :expanded #:compressed
output_style = :compressed
environment = :production

$shouldTouch = true

on_stylesheet_saved do |filename|
  print "saved "
  print filename
  print "\n"
  if $shouldTouch
    $shouldTouch = false
    staticFile = "S4M/Server/Static.hs"
    `rm dist/build/S4M/Server/Static.o`
    `touch #{staticFile}`
    print "touched #{staticFile}\n"

note that the last bit which should force yesod devel to recompile affected files doesn't seem to run right

Now any .scss or .sass files you have in compass/... will be compiled into your static directory so you can refer to them using static routes.

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