This GUI contains the commonly used image preprocessing techniques in machine learning and deep learning in medical image taking into consideration different ground truth types. The input can be 2D and 3D images.
Intnsity matching:
- Histogram matching
- Histogram qualization and
- Intensity normalization
Patch extraction:
- 2D
- 2.5D and
- 3D
Data augmentation:
- Flipping
- Rotation
The code has been tested with the following configuration
- PyQt5
- OpenCV-Python == 3.4.0
- Pydicom == 0.9.9
- nibabel == 2.1.0
- nipype == 0.12.1
- python == 3.6
- scipy == 0.19.0
- sckit-image == 0.13.0
- sckit-learn == 0.18.1
- Qimage2ndarray == 1.6
Once you have installed the above softwares run file