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Yeelp edited this page Jan 31, 2021 · 1 revision

The /scalingfeast Command

Scaling Feast adds a new console command: /scalingfeast. This console command can be used to set a player's max hunger or saturation level. Scaling Feast doesn't offer a command to change hunger levels, as AppleCore (a required dependency for Scaling Feast) already adds such a command.

You can also use this command with its short form alias: /sf. All properties present on this wiki page apply to both /scalingfeast and /sf, as the two commands are the exact same thing. For clarity, this wiki page will only use /scalingfeast when documenting features and functionality of the command.

Any console messages written in this wiki use English localization.


/scalingfeast <setMax|setSaturation> <player> <amount>

or equivalently with the alias:

/sf <setMax|setSaturation> <player> <amount>


  • <setMax|setSaturation> is one of setMax or setSaturation, and determines what the command alters (max hunger or saturation respectively).
  • <player> is a valid player name on the server.
  • <amount> is a value in the range (0, 32767]. That is, the value for <amount> must be strictly greater than zero, and can be no greater than 32767.

This wiki page will use <player> and <amount> to refer to the targeted player(s) and the specified amount, respectively. Sender refers to the entity executing the command, and may also be part of the targeted players (for example, when using the command on oneself).

/scalingfeast supports tab auto completion, and target selectors. However, although the command supports target selectors, the command ONLY affects players. (Other entities don't have hunger!)


When provided with the correct arguments, the result of the command depend on the first argument.


Will set the unmodified max hunger for <player> to <amount>.

On a success, the sender receives a confirmation message, saying Success! Set max for player <player> to <amount>.


Will attempt to set the saturation level for <player> to <amount>. This command can not set a player's saturation level greater than their current hunger value, as per usual Minecraft food stats restrictions. If an amount larger than the specified player's max hunger is specified, the command will set that player's saturation as high as it is allowed.

On a success, the sender receives a confirmation message, saying Success! set saturation for player <player> to <amount>.

Error Messages

While the error messages are hopefully clear enough as is, a more detailed description of each one is given here. The error messages are not always static, so the parts of the message that aren't static will be enclosed in [].

  • Usage: /scalingfeast [command] <player> <amount>: The sender didn't pass the right amount of arguments to the command. See Syntax.
  • Player [name] doesn't exist!: A player by the name [name] wasn't found on the server list of online players.
  • Target selector [selector] found nothing: Similar to vanilla commands, this message indicates that the specified target selector could not find any players.
  • Amount must be in range (0, 32767]: The specified amount was not in the specified range. See Syntax for an explanation of what values this range includes.