This is a developer version of the rNeighborGWAS package. Please see vignette("rNeighborGWAS") for usage.
CRAN version is available at
Please install the package via GitHub using the devtools library as devtools::install_github("yassato/rNeighborGWAS", repo="master").
Note that the rNeighborGWAS requires the following R packages.
- gaston
- parallel
version 1.2.3 (CRAN version): rebuild using R version 4.0.3; asymmetric neighbor effects are implemented.
version 1.2.2: partial PVEs provided by calc_PVEnei(); nei_lm() added.
version 1.2.1: testthat files fixed.
version 1.2.0: nei_lmm() and gaston2neiGWAS() added; nei_coval() and neiGWAS() refactored.
version 1.0.0: Initial version registered in CRAN.
Sato Y, Yamamoto E, Shimizu KK, Nagano AJ (2021) Neighbor GWAS: incorporating neighbor genotypic identity into genome-wide association studies of field herbivory. Heredity